When he plays with your hair: Mikey

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you and mikey were in your room playing video games . " Up! down! Left! X! right!" you both yelled trying to beat a hard game. " THE BOSS LEVEL!!!" Mikey said. " OH NO! WE HAVE TO WIN!!" you yelled at the screen. you both started to play the boss but Mikey was blasted with a big blue laser!( over nine thousand?) it is now up to you to beat the boss. you paused the game and started to freak out. "DUDE I CAN'T BEAT HIM!!" you sad shaking him. "YES YOU CAN JUST CLAM DOWN!!!" "I AM CALM!!"" THEN WHY ARE YOU YELLING!?" HE YELLED. " I DONT KNOW WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!?" "HOW SHOULD I KNOW?!?" then you guys started to laugh. " Ok dude you can do this. " he said as you picked up the controller. " i cant!! im to weak!" you said looking at the screen. then you felt something softly pulling your hair. it was Mikey brushing your hair. " just concentrate on the game. you can do this dog!" he yelled. you unpaused the game and started to play. long story short you won the game. " YAY!!!!! I WON!!" you said doing a little victory dance. " I TOLD YA!!" he said shaking you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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