when he comes back/hang out: Leo

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You were eating sour gummy worms ( your welcome ) on the rooftops. Leo texted you that he would meet you there. You heard a big thunk and you were about to drop your gummy worms but a green hand caught it before you did. You turned around and say Leo.......eating your gummy worms! "Hey Leo!" " Hey Y/n....mmm! Thanks for the gummy worms!" He said eating some. "Hey that's mine!" You say trying to get the bag back. He raised the bag over your head, out if your reach. " If you want it....come and get it!" He said running away from you. "Hey!!" You said. Chasing after him. You tackled him and took the bag away from him. "If you ASKED I would have given you some." You said crossing your arms. "Eh they weren't as sour as I thought." He said , eating a gummy worm. "Oh yeah wanna taste something that's REALLY SOUR?" You asked with a smirk. "Ok but I bet I can handle it." He said smirking. "Ok stay here Imma get the most sour candy I know." You said , then went off your roof to your kitchen. You came back with a small bowl of.......war heads. "I bet you can't handle it." You said smirking. "Oh yeah let's make this interesting. Let's both eat one of those circle candy-" "warheads" you cut him off. "Yeah warheads. Who ever makes a face first has to be the slave for the day!" He finished. "Deal!" You said and shook his hand, but you put the other hand on your back and crossed it. You both sat in front of each other and grabbed a warhead. "Ready? Set.....go!" You said. You both put them into your mouth. You both were struggling , but mostly Leo. He gave in and made a face,  ( when you eat warheads you'll know the face >x< ) he spit it out on his hand. "YAY!!! I WON!!!  Looks like your my slave for the day! And you said you could handle it." You said still eating the war head. "Ok Y/n. What do you want me to do first? " he asked. "Hmmmmm. I have a couple things in mind." You said smirking.

Your parents were asleep so you let him in your room. "What are we doing here?" He asked." You'll see." You said. You went under the bed, looking for a box. Leo blushed then turned around and covered hid eyes. You took out a F/c box and took out a camera. You handed him the box. "Open it and put it on...slave." he groaned and opened the box. "No way Imma wear that!!!" He shouted but to loud. "Yes. You. Are. You lost the bet come on!" You begged. You two had a little disagreement but he gave in and told you to turn around so he can put 'it' on. "Ok....I'm done ." He said. You turned around and saw Leo in a pink tutu with butterfly wings, and a wand. You held up the camera and turned it on. "Hey Leo? Sing twinkle twinkle little star. "You said smirking. "Ugh fine.....twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder where you are." After he finished the song you started laughing so hard you dropped the camera. He quickly grabbed the camera and deleted the video. "D-Dude hahaha w-w-why d-did you do t-that? Hahahahah!!!!" You asked holding your stomach and laughing.

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