When he comes back/hang out: Raph

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You were in your room in bed 'sleeping'. The door opened and it was your parents ready for salsa night, your mom in a red dress, and your dad in a black tux. Your mom came up to you and kissed your forehead. They left the room, closed the door and left the house for salsa night. You got up, locked the door, went to the window and saw your parents drive away. You did a whistle and then Raph jumped on your fire escape. " 'Bout time" he said coming in your room. " Well sorry for my parents kissing me in the forehead." You said. "Any way what's this game you wanna play?" He said looking around your room. You went in your closet and you tried to reach the top, But it to tall. "Raph a little help?" You asked pointing to the top shelf of the closet. He grabbed you and threw you on his sholders. You both blushed a little bit, but you ignored it and and tried to get the game. "Ok a little to the left. * Raph moves to the right * no left!" You said giggling. "Ooooh the left." He said moving to much to the left. " oh my gosh! Just move to the right two feet." You said reaching for the game. He moved a little and you finally reached it. You slid down his shell and sat down. He just stared at you. You patted a spot next to him which he sat down. " mantopily?" He said. You giggled a little." It's monopoly." You taught him how to play and he help you set the game. "So if you waste all your money you lose." You said. "Game on!" You both said.

~time skip to 2:04 am so 6 hours later~

You both can barely kept your eyes open. "Ok so I move.... 4... spaces.......to" you said and face planted to your cards. You got back up with cards sticking on your face. " You *yawn* sleepy?" Raph said smirking. Before you could respond you feel asleep standing! Raph chucked, put you to bed , and cleaned up the mess. He was about to leave but then he came to you and kissed your forehead. " good night Y/n. Sweet dreams." He said knowing you were already in deep sleep. He left the room and closed the window.

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