when you guys text:Leo

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You were in the kitchen eating a cake. 'I deserve this' you thought eating a piece. Then you saw a folded paper just lying on the counter. You opened it and remembered. It's Leo's number! You ran to your room not minding the plastic fork still in your mouth. You jumped on your bed and grabbed the phone and immediately you put in his number. You started texting him.

You: ' Hey Leo! It's Y/n '

Leo: 'oh hey Y/n I was wondering when you would text!'

You: ' hehe....yeah sorry I was caught up in my cake.'

Leo: ' it's ok'

Leo: ' HEY DUDE WAZZUP!?!?!?'

You: '? Lol'

Leo: ' sorry that was brother.'

You: ' it's ok. He seems very energetic'

You guys kept texting until you had to sleep. You couldn't wait till you can text him in the morning.

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