when you guys text: Raph

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You were on your rooftop hiding from your parents. They were making you do chores. You were bored out of your mind. You took out your phone and everyone was busy. You put your hand in your pocket and felt something. You pulled it out and saw that it was the note Raph gave to you 2 days ago. You put his number in and started texting him.

You: ' Hey Red it's Y/n what's up?'

Raph: ' Oh hey and just eating pizza.'

You: ' Lucky! '

Raph :' I know and it's all mine.'

You: ' ;-; you selfish man'

Raph: ' yeah I know. Myyyyyy pizzzzzza'

You guys texted for hours. Until Raph made you laugh really hard that your parents found you. So you had to do boring chores.

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