Chapter 12

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(Her outfit later on)

Wait what. I only wanted to see if someone else wanted to pass time. As in one singular person.

"What? No, no I'm not cooking." Alessandro said while shaking his head as if it's the most absurd thing ever.

"Why not. Gio and Enzo can help Valentina and we can just watch over them so they don't burn anything, while also helping here and there." Alessio argued back.


We all made our way down to the kitchen. On our way there I asked them what they wanted and in the end we agreed on gnocchi.

True to their words Gio and Enzo helped me most of the time and when our hands were full Alessio would come and help. Alessandro never got up to help but I caught him taking pictures of us.

As we were eating we heard the front door open, which I'm guessing was Alfonso, Luciano, and Vincenzo coming home.

"Siamo tutti in cucina!!" Alessandro shouted
(We're all in the kitchen!!)

Okay, we're going to change and come down!" Alfonso shouted back.

After a while they all came down wearing sweatpants and t-shirts.

"We made dinner, with the help of our dear sorella." Lorenzo said as they walked through the doors that lead to the kitchen.

After they all told me how much they liked it they sat down talking about miniscule things. Even though we finished eating a while ago we waited for them three to finish their plates.

"Okay it's about time you guys go to bed. Come on, it's almost 11:30pm. Thank you guys for the food but goodnight." Luciano said while Alfonso and Vincenzo were talking about something.

We all made our way to our rooms. When I got into mine I quickly changed out of my sweatpants and sweatshirt, that got a little dirty cooking with Giovanni and Lorenzo, and instead wore a navy
blue silky shorts and tank top.

I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face before I made my way to bed. I put my phone in charge, but not before I put my playlist on, then got myself in bed, sleep slowly taking over as I listened to the soft melodies of the music.


The next day was similar except Vincenzo stayed home today. Meanwhile Luciano and Alfonso left for work. We were all in the living room and they were either on their phones or they were watching the game that was playing on the tv.

While they were doing that I was finishing up the book that I was reading.

"Do you guys want to go out and eat dinner since you guys have school tomorrow?" Vincenzo asked, seeing how it was almost 7. I didn't answer but I heard everyone else agreeing.

I was waiting for them to say what time but they were silent. I looked up from my book and saw that they were all waiting for me to answer.

"Oh sorry, yeah I'm fine with going out. I was listening but I was reading and I'm getting near the end so I was trying to finish." Vincenzo nodded before speaking up again.

"Okay, everybody be ready by 8. You guys still have school tomorrow and I can't have you guys out later than 10:30. So hurry."

With that we were about to get up when we heard the front doors open. We all went to see who it was. Turns out Alfonso and Luciano finished their work early so they were also going to come with us.

Before going to my room I turned to Vincenzo and asked him where we were going.

"It's a surprise." He said with a smile.

"Okay can you at least tell me if I should dress fancy or not?"

"Fancy but not too fancy. You know, like casual fancy."

"Okay thanks." After that I made my way to my room.

Once I got to my room I immediately went to the closet to see what to wear. I looked around for a couple of minutes, choosing outfits that go together, in the end I made like 3 outfits to choose from.

I decided to go with the high waist fitted black palazzo pants with a fitted long sleeve beige turtleneck that I tucked into the pants. I took the necklaces that I was wearing and took them out from under my shirt along with other dainty jewelry. (Outfit at the top)

For my hair I decided on something simple. I kept it in its natural waves with a middle part and clipped a small and dainty hair clip on the side. As for makeup I kept that simple as well. I put on moisturizer, mascara and lip gloss.

I didn't get a purse because I was only going to be carrying lip gloss, for touch ups, and my phone because my pants thankfully had pockets. After making sure I got everything I made my way downstairs.

I spent around 25-30min getting ready. When I got downstairs I saw that they were all waiting for me at the front door. They didn't notice I was there yet so I crept up on Lorenzo and Giovanni. Only Luciano and Alfonso noticed me but I signaled for them to be quiet.

I poked both of their sides and they jumped at the contact. They both turned ready to fight but when they saw me they tried glaring at me. But they can never be mad at me.

"Hey when did you get down here?" Giovanni questioned.

"Like 2 minutes ago."

"Okay let's get going if we want to get back soon enough for you guy's to sleep for school tomorrow." Luciano quickly added.

When we got out, we made our way to two Rolls Royce cars. I don't know much about cars but one of them was matte black with red accents and the other was a dark emerald. They both looked luxurious.

Me, Luciano, Alfonso and Lorenzo made our way into the black and red car. With Luciano driving, Alfonso in the passenger seat and Lorenzo and I in the back.

In the other car Vincenzo was driving, Alessandro was in the passenger seat with Alessio and Giovanni in the back.

Vincenzo led the way to the restaurant while Luciano followed. We got to the restaurant in around 15-20 minutes.

This place wasn't the fanciest or most luxurious place but you definitely didn't eat here if you weren't "rich".

Everybody was staring at us when we came in. More importantly, me. The staff led us to a back room that was secluded from everyone else.

As we sat they handed us menus. I sat between Luciano and Vincenzo and to keep up my act of not knowing Italian I had Vincenzo tell me what was on the menu. I couldn't decide so I told him to get me something small since I ate some fruit before coming here.

After 15 minutes of small talk passed the food came out. Looks like Vincenzo got me a Panzerotto fritto which is a small crescent of pizza dough filled with mozzarella and tomato. So basically a big pizza roll but better.

"So how do you like it?" Vincenzo asked me.

"Not bad, it's actually pretty good. It's like a big pizza roll." When I said that his eyes widened.

"No you CAN NOT compare this beauty and deliciousness to pizza rolls!!" He said with disgust evident. How can someone hate pizza rolls this bad?

"Why do you hate pizza rolls so much?" I was genuinely curious and I never realized that throughout this conversation I had a small smile on my face.

"Because it's an abomination to pizza and panzerotto." He said.

"Well I basically grew up on the stuff so I can't hate it." he looked at me with concern as if I was a mad man for my decision.

After a couple more minutes we finished our food and started eating dessert. We got a tiramisu cake and some gelato in about 3 different flavors.

When we finished dessert it was almost 10. They decided on heading home so we, or should I say I, get a good night's rest for school the next day.

"Thank you for today." I said as we made our way home.

Anyways thank you for reading.

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