In an Unbalanced Hormone Situation

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November 11th 2020 – 08:08 a.m. In an Unbalanced Hormone Situation

I've been feeling rather depressed. Not that I wasn't happy, but there's always this pressing feeling, unpleasant ones, pushing on my chest. But rather than that, I felt fine. Was that normal? I wasn't sad, or gloomy, but I felt like there was always a trigger for me to cry over so little things. Things that usually didn't bother me. No, it's not PMS, my cycle had just begun. So what was it?

It's been raining in the morning since yesterday. My father had to take me to work now. I wasn't complaining I was happy that I shouldn't drive. It's somehow exhausting. But that gloomy morning, and tired body in the afternoon, almost took a toll on my body, somehow? I mean, how? I slept rather soundly at night. But still woke up tired. That should not happen.

Was it just stress? But what was I stressing about? It's not like I kept thinking about school work and internships all at once. Oh wait, I did. But I did that all the time. It didn't bother me then, and it should not bother me now. What changed? My age? I think being 21 wasn't supposed to have this kind of side effect.

I guess back at the former hypothesis. It's in my head. or mental,technically it is in my head. Damn brain, don't brew that kind of hormone inme. 

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