Soft Spot

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Nightmare studies the small in his hand, the small skeleton hardly bigger than his palm, quite small even for the subspecies of skeleton monster.

Two golden eyelights stare up at him, gloved hands jerking as they struggled to free themselves.

The tall monster muses to himself, his grip on the other relatively laxed despite their struggles.

"You look quite a bit like the other one, albeit they're a bit bigger, not to mention looking completely opposite in color scheme."

Dream froze upon hearing those words. Could it be?
"W-what happened t-to Night?"

The fallen guardian brings the little closer to his skull, his grin widening with terrifying sincerity. "I ate him." Tears start to pour down from Dream's sockets.

"Wha-Wai-" Dream struggles to free an arm as Nightmare's grip tightens slightly, the glint in his eyelight sending shivers of terror down his spine.

Before he can do anything he's shoved between the larger's jaws, the feeling of sharp teeth surrounding him causing him to freeze up for fear of getting injured.

More golden tears fall from his closed sockets as the walls of the maw press against him, the awaiting throat pulling him deep inside. His already trembling bones triple in intensity as his fate becomes sealed, he screams and pushes out with his hands in a vain attempt to slow his progress.

His eyelights go blank as he plops into a chamber, the size difference between the pred and prey resulting in it to be enough room for their to be several more of himself alongside him. The walls are black, the only sources of light is the faint cyan glow and his own faint eyelights after he resummoned them.

His panic hitting overdrive, he screams even louder, his wails seeming to echo in the chamber of his demise. After a moment the surrounding walls become suddenly close, the soft magic enveloping him inside a tight space causing him to struggle even more.


Dream freezes, the commanding tone of the speaker causing him to try and be as unnoticeable as possible, although he knows it's pointless. Tears are still flowing despite his best efforts to quiet them, sobs racking his body as he cracks even further.

He hardly registers that Nightmare had teleported before the walls slacken a bit, although the space is still much smaller than it had been.

He startles when he hears the larger murmur something before he's shifted back at a slant, he assumes because Nightmare is now lying down or sitting. A small weight settles in front of him, he feels two hands similar in size to his own press against him through the magic.

Desperate for any comfort, Dream leans against the hands and pushes back with his own, a garbled whine coming from him when the unseen hands immediately make small circles to comfort him.

A low rumbling is heard, the sound soft but at the same time loud as it traveled. Dream flinched but also presses closer to the comforting touches. The walls retreat a little more, seeming to cradle him instead of gripping.

Gathering his courage, the small announces his thoughts, voice trembling as he does so.

"W-what's going to ha-happen t-to m-me?"

The soft rubbing stops, though the small weight remains. A large sigh thunders, the vibrations making Dream's bones quiver.

The weight in front of him disappears, murmurs following afterwards. A soft, sweet voice responds, although Dream isn't able to make out the words.

The false flesh around him clenches a moment, relaxing at the same time someone falls on him.


"I'm here Dream, you're gonna be okay."

New tears spring forth him as Dream is brought into the older sibling's embrace. "B-but h-how? He a- at-ate me, he a-ate y-you too!"

"He won't hurt us. Trust me Dreamy, we're gonna be alright."


Nightmare sits on his throne quietly as he listens to the barely audible murmurs coming from his midsection. A pang of guilt hits him as he thinks about what Dream had said before he quickly waves it off. Hopefully sending Night in there would help calm him down...

Wait. Hopefully? Help? Dam. He better keep this quiet, otherwise everybody's gonna think he's gone soft. Never will he admit that he has a soft spot for littles...

He can't deny though that his dark nature is satisfied by his actions, not to mention the comfortable weight of the smalls inside him feels nice. He purrs contently and slumps a little in his throne, subconsciously rubbing his abdomen softly through his sweater.

The dark king continues to rumble softly, his mind at peace and bones tension free, until...

"Boss! Dust and Horror blew up the kitchen!"



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