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Lazure>Blue  Dispatch>Dust  Nadir>Nightmare  Delusion>Error
Umber>Stretch  Doodle>Ink  Shine>Dream

Lazure sits there in shock and denial as he watches the portal close. Umber hadn't even looked troubled when Doodle shoved him through it, Shine not caring enough to watch.

The small bird doesn't move, pastel blue wings huddled around him in a half attempt to keep himself warm from the draft of wind, bones trembling in despair. His eyelights are small with tears leaking out of his sockets, sobs racking out of his body without restraint. His hold on his emotions slips and his aura is overwhelmed by his hurt and sorrow. His mind puts itself in a loop of tumbling from one emotion to another, making it to where everything becomes a blur.

The air in front of him goes still, the disturbance of his surroundings allows his natural avian instincts to drag him out of his head. Looking in front of him, what he sees makes his wings fall limp behind him.

A view of ivory ribs melded to violet scales takes up the majority of his vision. Looking from right to left reveals a long tail the diameter of a tree, and hands planted on either side of him in the snow. Swallowing, he slowly follows the ribs upwards, eyelights turning to prinpricks upon meeting mismatched ones.

The naga stares at him, expressionless as elliptical eyelights study the small creature in front of them. Lazure is too terrified to move, his instincts telling him to remain still. A strangled chirp escapes him as the serpent leans down to eye-level, sharp teeth the only thing that Lazure can focus on. A forked tounge flicks out, the purple muscle briefly making contact with the avian's skull, the action causing the small to hunch in on themselves as they are unable to do anything else.

He chokes on air as he feels the firm grip of the larger's phalanges wrap around him, wings pushing out in an attempt to get free as he's lifted into the air. He's brought closer to the naga's skull, their nasal passage pressed up against his bones, warm air ruffling his feathers from a slow breath.

The two monsters stare at each other for a long moment, unbalanced eyelights seeming to peer into his very Soul. Tears still stain Lazure's cheekbones when he's finally pulled away from the other's, fresh ones streaming down with relief only to quickly turn to fear once more as jaws full of teeth open up before him.

"NO, NO, NO!" He screams, wings stuggling to flare out in an attempt to prevent his entrance. "P-PLEASE No, I can't-, no!.." He sobs as he struggles, his voice breaking while thinking about how this shouldn't be happening, Soul cracking with despair and betrayal, mind on the edge of falling back into the loop. Sockets open expecting to see the back of a purple throat only to startle at the expression of the naga.

Jaws are closed with eyelights looking at the the small... Concerned. Lazure calms his breathing some as he shivers in the larger's loose grip, eyelights never leaving the other as he tries to make sense of the their actions all while struggling to keep his composure.

They stare at each other a long minute, the wind rustling the trees carrying the howls of nearby wolves. The avian huddles further in on himself while the naga seems to tense in response to the calls, eyelights flicking towards the sound.

Another cold draft blows and Lazure shivers, sockets snapping closed when the phalanges surrounding him curl tighter. He whimpers in fear, sqeezing his sockets even tighter in an effort to block out the inevitable.

A keening sound captures his attention, eyelights flicking open to find the source, curious by nature. Hearing it once more, softer this time, he finds that the naga is making the noise. Tilting his skull he looks curiously at the male, wings unfurling slightly, allowing his arms to be free, hands hesitantly press against the bottom of the larger's jaws. He chirps brightly at the vibrations that results from the contact, the purring causing a similar effect that a mother bird's song would do to her chicks.

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