Tenderly Cold

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Error was severely injured. His clothes were destroyed, revealing many of the injuries to his bones, as well as his tail which was riddled with oozing cuts and fractures. Ink went all out on him this time.

Nightmare noticed and got the Gang to draw Ink's attention to them while he made his way to Error.

As he looks over the injuries he hears the lamia wimper in pain as he struggles to get up. Nightmare was known for discipline and strength. He did not tolerate signs of weakness and had proven such before.

Nightmare picks up Error and watches as he struggles in his grasp. "You are unable to fight. You are good as dead with those injuries."  He brings him closer to his skull, Error struggles frantically as he quickly realizes what he is doing.

"B-boss don't, boss please." He pleads. Nightmare looks at him with a cold glare. "Please, Mare." He wimpers, his tone full of fear and sorrow.

Nightmare's glare softens slightly as he lifts Error up to eye-level and gazes at him. Error meets his gaze and wimpers. Nightmare's tounge flicks softly against Error's skull, causing the other to soften his posture at the affectionate action before tensing up, trembling as his instincts and fear took over.

Error could not struggle as he was brought closer to Nightmare's jaws, skull making contact with cyan magic. Nightmare's tounge tastes Error as he is brought in further, coating him in saliva as the lamia enters the internal passage.

The larger hums at the flavor of the other as he swallows his skull and ribcage, pulling him halfway into his throat. Error frantically tries to squirm as he is pulled further in, the overwhelming feeling of helplessness and fear overriding every other sense as the larger's gullet drags him further within.


Nightmare continues to gently swallow Error, slightly picking up the pace as he did so. He drops his glare as he feels Error's trembles increase, the intensity growing with each passing second.

When the last of Error disappeared into his maw, Nightmare paused before swallowing again, sending him the rest of the way down his gullet. Nightmare looks around to see the Stars horrified faces, followed by the gang's blank expressions.

As soon as Nightmare felt Error reach his stomach, he signals for the gang to pull away and opens a portal. Once they were through he glances at the others before following.

Nightmare glanced at the the gang's injuries and decided that they weren't in critical condition. As he he moves towards them, they look to him with questioning and slightly fearful expressions. "Boss is he-", "He's not." They stare at each other before Nightmare breaks the silence. "I'm going to bed, do not disturb me." They were silent as he made his way to his room, taking note of his gentle movements.

<                                   *                                   >

Nightmare reaches his room and makes his way to a large nest, carefully coiling on top of plush pillows and soft furs, not wanting to jostle his passenger too much.

Once he is settled he places a hand on the area of his tail Error currently occupied and rubs it softly. "Are you ok?" Silence. "Y-yes Boss." Nightmare sighs as he coils tighter and rests his skull above Error's. "I must say, you taste quite wonderful." He feels Error tremble and sighs.

"You're not in any danger Error." Silence. "I-Im not going to be absorbed?" "No, you're not." More silence. "...Will you let me out?" "After a while."

The trembling slows to a slight quiver, Nightmare sighs in contentment, shifting slightly to better accommodate the smaller while making it more comfortable for himself.

As Nightmare settles, he strokes his coils with hopes to soothe Error to sleep. It was quite effective, the smaller's breathing slowed and all tension had left his body. Nightmare snuggled closer to Error and closed his eye, drifting off to sleep.

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