Curious Little Thing

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Requested by April_Gianttale
Naga!Error 404  & Anonymous Curious!Child


Leaves rustle in the wind as the child wanders further into the woods. Small feet walk along the game trail as bright, curious eyes flit across the trunks of trees to the occasional small critter.

They stumble and fall to the ground, their hands thrown out to catch themselves. They blink for a moment before they look back only to see... a string?

Sitting up on their knees, they turn around and reach out to touch the string. As soon as their fingers make contact they feel something strong coming from it. Eyes widen as they take note of how delicate it feels yet an experimental tug shows that it's sturdy. However when they tug it again it just, disappears.

Filled with bewilderment they look at where it was in shock. Hearing a twig snap they whip around to look behind them.


'What is a child so young doing out here?'

White coils with blue and black markings move slowly while hidden by foliage. The skelton that serves as the torso white with black accents, the only reason the bones weren't gleaming because they where covered in a hooded jacket matching the creature's tail.

Eyelights of blue and white watch the child search the ground for his alert system. He had similar mechanisms throughout the forest for whenever he felt like having a snack or to know when boundaries were crossed. When the same trap alerted him three times though he became curious.

Now, seeing as the intruder was a young, human child, he wasn't sure what he was to do...


The child peers closely at the bushes looking for any signs of disturbance. Finding none, they turn around and resume walking.

They had only taken a few steps when the stumbled again. This time however... That is NOT a string.

Beautiful colored scales glimer in the faint light as the large tail they belong to wraps around them.

Curiosity leaves them limp as they are bound, eyes trying to find the head of the creature, only to be surprised when they found it.


The child looks at me strangely, their eyes wide with not fear but... curiosity? What a strangle creature, they don't even tremble upon seeing my full self as I reveal the rest of my coils.

What to do, what to do... I can't let them wonder, too many things they could run into. The others are to busy to take care of them-

404 jerks his skull to look at the being at hand only to marvel at them as they softly run their hands over his scales, amazement their only emotion as they explore everything in reach.

Mind prickling, 404 sighs as he realizes that he's going to need to keep them around a while longer till he makes up his mind. He'll admit he wonders how they'll react to this though.

Bringing them closer to his skull, the large monster removes them from his tail, now holding them in a palm as he decided how he was going to do this.

The child sits with their feet behind them legs making a 'w' with the knees facing him, drumming a tune on his carpals like they were playing a drumset instead.

Whether or not oblivious or uncaring of their situation the lamia does not know. But no matter the answer 404 still finds himself starting to like the small creature.

Deciding not to delay any longer,  jaws open to reveal a mouth of sharp teeth, the magic glowing softly of royal blue from within.

They don't flinch as they enter, instead going very still as he carefully places them inside, mindful of his teeth as he does. Removing his phalangees, 404 does a mental spiral upon hearing giggles from inside.

Quirking an eyebrow, he softly swallows, barely detecting the small form getting pull into his throat and begin the travel down his esophagus. What a curious little thing they are.

He feels soft touches from within as they enter one of his internal chambers. He squirms a little from the feeling snaking into his SOUL, one he hasn't felt since...

Making his way further into the wood, the naga ponders a slowly forming decision, one he never thought he'd ever make.

I'm keeping them.

I'm keeping them

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