My Little Star

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Outer stares at Killer with wide sockets as he tries to comprehend what the other has said. The naga watches him carefully, blank sockets fixed on the other's trembling form.
"Y-you want to e-eat me!?" He accuses the serpentine skeleton with with a squeak, his arms wrapped around himself not doing much to trap in heat. Killer sighs and his shoulders slump. "It's not what it seems like, I swear it's completely safe-"
"SAFE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU JUST STRAIGHT UP TOLD ME THAT YOU SHOULD EAT ME AND YOU WANNA TELL ME IT'LL BE SAFE?" Exclaims the skeleton, his fear momentarily giving him false courage before deserting him. Killer stares quietly with an empty expression, sending shivers that have nothing to do with the cold down Outer's spine. The skeleton backs up against the wall of the cave when the other advances, a whimper catching in his throat and his breathing increases as his boyfriend comes skull to skull with him.
Tears gather at the corner of his sockets when the Naga's tongue flicks against his skull, the whimper from earlier escaping him to which Killer sighs. The naga nuzzles Outer's skull with his own in an attempt to calm him down but the other remains stiff and rejects the affectionate gesture. Killer backs up and Outer doubletakes when he sees a flicker of hurt in the other's sockets, the naga then twisting around to go lie in a corner of the cave.
Outer is frozen with disbelief at what just happened, his mind focusing on the thought that his emotion-guarded boyfriend expressed a form of sadness, even if it was just for a moment. He risks a glance to where the other retreated only to linger at the other's coiled form, regret being his present feeling when he sees the other has completely hidden his torso from him. He has been used to the naga never being able to keep his sockets off him, when questioned about it they explained that it was partially due to a naga's possessive nature. When pressed for a further explanation the naga simply stated

"You are a lovely little star, why wouldn't I want to gaze at you forever?" This statement was the first time the skeleton had seen the other blush, even though it was faint.
Outer debates on what he should do. While any normal monster would leave and take their chances in the storm, Outer prefers to take as little risk possible. Usually. While he's not exactly sure he should stay with the other, he can't help but feel bad for reacting the way he did. Sure, it's normal for people to react badly when someone tells them they are even thinking of eating the other. However this is Killer, homicidal naga with a habit of playing with his food, devourer of just about anything he can fit his jaws around. Except around Outer.
Even without expressing his emotions, the serpentine monster has made it very clear to the smaller skeleton that they care about them. While not always the best at communicating their affections, Outer has watched Killer go through great lengths to make his boyfriend comfortable around him, even trusting him enough to inform him about his activities when away from him. When he thinks about it, Outer realizes that before now, he's not once heard heard the other make a single comment about eating him; the only possible instance being when he had mentioned that the skeleton smells really nice. That in itself should mean something, especially when he's been dating the predator for nearly a year. Outer frowns when he considers the reasons Killer would feel hurt, coming to the conclusion that perhaps the other felt there was more trust between the two. Afterall, Killer had trusted Outer with many things before this, never really asking for anything in return...
Making up his mind, Outer silently moves towards Killer's spot, gaze watching the other for any signs. He makes it to the lump of coils before realizing that the other is shuddering. Worrying about the subtle action he places his phalanges on the scarlet scales, jerking his hand back when he feels how cold the other is.
Outer gets silence in response, the action making him feel even worse. He never was able to succeed in getting the other to ignore him, not even when he first noticed the other had taken a liking to him. Determined to find out what's wrong he follows the coils until he locates where the torso is hiding, quietly walking to to the spot before placing both hands on the coil, disregarding how much he's trembling.
"Kills? Why are you so cold? You never shiver."
The shudders stop when he says this but he still doesn't get a response.
"Killer I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so inconsiderate. I know you would never hurt me intentionally. I just wasn't expecting it was all." He gets anxious at the silence. "Please Kills, will you look at me? As dashing as your scales are I'd like to see your face." Nothing moves. Outer grimances before sitting down with his back leaning against the coils, shamefully trying to wipe away the tears that start forming. He hates crying, especially when it's only his own fault. He refuses to let himself cry like a child, he did not deserve to have his feelings babied so they don't get hurt. He doesn't want Killer finding out; after all what would he think? What would he think of his boyfriend if he found out he cried so easy like a Babybones?
He was just fixing to get up when he feels a skull tuck into his lap. Killer must have smelled his tears. But when Outer looks down his sockets widen to see that he wasn't the only one crying. Outer freezes seeing transparent red magic leak from the blank sockets, the tears gliding over the HATE stains that usually trickle down his face.
Shaking himself out of his stupor Outer immediately comforts his boyfriend the best he can, gently stroking his skull and cradling what he can. After a moment Killer curls even more into his lap, his coils surrounding Outer in a nest like fashion until as much of Outer's form that could be touched was in contact with Killer. Outer hums a few lullabies to soothe the other, his tears trickling down at seeing how much pain he has caused the naga. He burrows his own skull in the crook of the naga's neck, his form shuddering with emotion while still comforting the other.
The two sit there in silence; too upset to talk to each other but too sorrowful to not comfort the other. Outer lifts his skull up to sneeze into his shoulder, a squeak coming out as well. Outer feels the other chuckle to which he grumbles, knowing well that the other will tease him about it later. He sits there a moment in thought before coming to a decision, despite not really wanting to go through with it.
"Kills." He gets a grunt.
"What did you mean when you said I'd be safe."
Outer is patient for the response, knowing this time that the silence is the other thinking about the word choice they should use, something the skeleton was always rather fond of. Killer shifts his skull facing away from him so his voice isn't muffled, pressing his back into Outer's front to make up for it.
"Intention is the main catalyst for magic reactions, as long as I didn't intend for you to be hurt, no harm would come to you. The same goes for most magical attacks, though there is always the exception." Getting a hum in response he continues. "The main reason is because I would have put you in my crop. It's an internal pouch or segment of the esophagus, depending on the creature, ment for storing, be it meals or for offspring." Outer looks down at him, having stopped rubbing but still having his hand placed on his skull. "You didn't have to apologize, I should have thought about how you would react to something like that, being a prey species with no knowledge of your safety. " Killer admits, skull tucking into himself with a sigh. Outer gives him a hug and shakes his skull. "No, I should have known better than to behave the way I did, even if you had harmed me before, which you haven't, I should have known well enough to listen to your explanation. I am sorry Kills, I never meant to make you feel that way."
Having made their peace, the two sit there in content, merely enjoying the other's presence. Until Outer starts violently shivering. Killer's sockets furrow and he coils around the other tightly, mindful of the intensity, in order to help his boyfriend warm up. The skeleton burrows into the other to the extent they can, yet he only manages to reduce the trembles slightly. The naga wraps his arms around the other and holds them close, worry causing a socket to twitch. Outer's shivering is still bothersome, and Killer only has one other method to warm him up. He refuses to bring it up once again, especially after the other reacted the way they did.
Killer is internally panicking at the situation. If he doesn't get the other warmed up soon he could get really sick, it's a miracle he hasn't already. But he can't mention storing lest he drive him away. Why does he have to be so insufficient? Able to take down monsters three times his size but unable to keep his lover warm- The naga is jerked out of thought when he feels a tug on his mandible, his sockets widening when his sees that Outer is looking him right in the sockets with his phalanges grasping his jaw.
"O-open." He demands, the shudder a result of the cold not fear. Killer goes to protest but falters at the other's expression. He takes a breath before ever so slightly parting his jaws, Outer merely pulling it wider till he can fit his skull inside.
Killer can only watch in shock as the other's skull disappears from view, having moved to be placed on his tongue. The instant yet subtle sweet and salty flavor that hits him nearly makes him squeal with delight. He doesn't even realize he had started drooling until the other makes a comment about it. Killer gains a faint blush before gently taking their skull out if his mouth then swallowing. Outer only huffs and pulls on his jaw again, this time Killer is more compliant, to which the skeleton rolls his eyes before resuming.
After placing his skull between jaws lined with dagger-like teeth Outer runs his phalanges along the other's palate, the shudder that follows showing that they like it. He tries to scramble in further but is unable to, his height not exactly helping.
"Killer. You have my permission."
Without any more of a reason, Killer carefully maneuvers his jaws around the other's fragile frame, unhinging his mandible out a little more to accommodate the smaller's shoulders before working down their middle. At this point Outer's skull is now slipping into the predator's throat, shoulders following at a steady pace.

In no time at all Killer has devoured the skeleton up to their tarsals. The amount of predatory satisfaction he feels at the moment is unmeasurable, although he is still present enough to be worried about his boyfriend's lack of movement. He swallows again to engulf the last of the skeleton, getting a jerky twitch as a response to his tongue running across the bottom of their feet. He chuckles before swallowing for a final time, allowing peristalsis to pull the rest of them down into- oh dear. He forgot to ask the other if they would prefer to be in his crop or if he would mind being stored in his digestive chamber, without getting digested of course. Not even a second later he switches tracts to ensure the other ends up in his secondary crop. He would rather not risk the other being harmed by his body not recognizing them as being stored rather than nourishment. After a couple of runs his body will automatically register the other to be stored and will render him void to absorption.

He feels a twitch as signal that his storge chamber is filled and proceeds to recoil himself comfortably for his passenger. Settling down Killer lays his skull ontop of the newly acquired lump conveying the presence of his boyfriend, his instincts flooded with satisfaction of finally following the instinctual steps of the mating process. The naga's skull flushes as he realizes that he's going to need to explain this to the other come morning. Shaking his skull of thought he closes his sockets and prepares himself for sleep, not even realizing that he had been purring happily for the last few minutes.

 Shaking his skull of thought he closes his sockets and prepares himself for sleep, not even realizing that he had been purring happily for the last few minutes

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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