6. Needles

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"Well, how exactly does this work?" I question, following her.

"I take a sample of your blood and use a database I've collected from the citizens during their oath, and compare the genetic profiles." She explained, grabbing keys off of a table.

"That's not creepy at all," I murmured. She chuckled.

"No, Swan. Most people get separated from their families during the war, I use it for the same reasons as I'm doing for you." She unlocked a door and turned on a switch. The light came on and we descended the stairs.

"Oh ok. What do you think you'll find?" Curiosity was bubbling.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. But I'm positive that we'll find something." We got to the last step. I turned towards the lab. It was huge!

"I thought you said this was small!" I exclaimed.

"It is." She moved to some fancy-looking cabinet and pulled out a syringe, rubbing alcohol, and a cotton ball.

"Do me a favor and roll your sleeves up." I undid my button and rolled the sleeve. She doused the ball with the alcohol and walked over to where I was standing. She gestured towards a chair and I sat in it.

She also had a band that she tied my arm with. She swiped the cotton over the inside of my forearm and tapped my veins. Taking the syringe she poked my vein and I looked away as blood started coming out and into the tube.

"Squeamish are you?" She hummed.

"No, I just hate needles."

"I prefer something else." She muttered.

"Alright, we are done. She placed another cotton ball on the small wound and wrapped a bandage around it.

"Wow, I never imagined you as the medical type," I say.

"I have my skills, Swan." She took the tube and placed it onto the thing that swirls it around.

"Do you now?" I challenged.

"I think you have quite a few as well, Miss Swan."

"It's all subjective, Mayor Mills."

"I'll get the results to you as soon as possible. But for now, we wait." I followed her out of the basement lab and into the hall.

"I might want my pancakes now," I say, grabbing the box.

"That's fine. Let me get you a fork." She says as we venture back into the kitchen.

"Do you have any milk?" I ask.

"Of course." She opens the fridge again and places the jug on the counter. She then opens a cabinet with glasses and cups. I see various colored cups and smile thinking of the glimpse of the small boy I saw last night.

She pours the milk into a clear and hands the fork and the milk to me.



"Aren't you gonna eat anything?"

"I suppose I could eat an apple."

I shovel the cold soggy pancakes into my mouth, downing the chunks with milk. 

She chuckled at my poor manners and bit into the apple she picked from the centerpiece on the dining table.


I say with my mouth full, immediately regretting the decision and turning bright red.

"You and Henry are quite alike."

I keep eating, not sure what to add.

She looks at her watch and her eyes widen.

"Damn it, Henry's school got out fifteen minutes ago."

I swallow roughly.

"Let's go get him then," I reply, getting a napkin and wiping my face.

"We walked here, my car is at Granny's." She says face immediately scowling.

"Oh yeah. You got a phone?" I ask.

"Yes, Why?"

"Call his teacher and ask them to stay with him. We can just walk to Granny's and drive from there."

"I suppose we could do that. I guess I'm freaking out because I've never been late before."

"There's a first time for everything. Now call his teacher."

I reassured her as she walks to the study for the phone. 

Hybrid (A SwanQueen Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora