7. Mercedes

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We walk quickly to Granny's and get into Regina's car. 

A Mercedes.

 I should've known. 

How much money does this woman have? First the house, then the basement lab, and now the car?!

We pulled into the parking lot, it looked empty for the most part.

Regina walked fast for someone in heels.

"I'm sorry Miss Blanchard for being late! We lost track of time." She said to the teacher as I was walking in.

"We?" She said. Miss Blanchard had a pixie cut and black hair. She wore a lace white top and a sweater as a jacket.

"I'm Emma Swan. Nice to meet you." I stick out my hand and she shakes it with a confused look.

"Henry, do you have everything?" Regina asked.

The little boy shook his head and went to grab something from his cubby.

We made eye contact before I broke it awkwardly.

"Thank you so much for staying with Henry, I appreciate it," Regina says.

"Oh no, no problem. I love Henry." Miss Blanchard replied.

"Emma! Mommy, what is she doing here?" Henry said running up to us.

"Hey, that's a nice way to greet someone." I joke.

"We were talking about you when we lost track of time. She's staying for dinner." Regina answers.

"Woah, it's lasagna night. She must really like you." He says redirecting it to me.

"Oh really?" I ask.

"Uh-huh, she never invites anyone on lasagna night." He reveals.

"Henry we must get going. Say goodbye to Miss Blanchard."

"Bye Miss Blanchard." He says in the cutest voice ever.

"Bye Henry, goodbye you two." She waves smiling.

We walk out of there and get into the car.

"Henry, don't forget to put your seatbelt on." Regina reminds him.

"I know, Mommy."

My heart melts at the exchange.

"How was school today, we didn't leave you too late I hope?"

Regina asks.

"No it was fun, Miss Blanchard gave me this book. It's filled with fairy tales to read." He answered.

"I'm glad, what's your favorite so far?" Regina asks.

"Snow White and Prince Charming. I like the dwarves." He explains.

"I like the Evil Queen," I add.

"Really? But she's the villain."

"Well, I think that things aren't always what they look like on the surface. And that you shouldn't judge other people until you get to know them." I say.

"So you're saying that the Evil Queen is just misunderstood?" Regina adds.

"I don't know her entire story, she could be," I answer.

"That's cool," Henry responds.

Both of us smile.

As we get out of the car Henry groans about how hungry he is.

"The lasagna is in the oven, it shouldn't be too long now," Regina said locking the car.

"So Emma, has Mommy told you what she is?" He asked while we entered the house. Regina went directly into the kitchen.

"She wants me to guess. Can you tell me?" I whisper.

"I want you to guess too. It's not any fun if I tell you." He whispers back.

"Man, he is definitely your kid, Regina."

I say walking into the kitchen. Henry follows me and we both watch her make dinner.

"Can I help you with something?" I offer.

"Yes. Why don't you and Henry work on his homework at the table while I finish up." She said, still moving back and forth in the kitchen.

"Come on kid, let's leave go have a look," I say, leading him to the table.

He grabs his backpack and joins me.

"Emma, how do you like Storybrooke?" He asks me.

"I haven't had much time to explore it, but the people are nice I guess."

"That's good, what about my mom?"

"Oh, uh I like her, but don't tell her I said that,"

I look back into the kitchen to make sure she didn't hear me.

"She likes you too, I can tell."

"So homework, huh?" I changed the topic quickly.

He smiles and gets his folder out of his bag.

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