9. Results

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I walk over to the basement door and open it with a twist of my hand.

I flick the switch and walk down the stairs. I then turn the computer on and sit at the desk. I put in my passcode.


I click the genetic database icon and wait for the window to pop up. I get up and check on the sample. It just finished in the centrifuge. I put gloves on and pulled the tube out. I put droplets on a slide and examined them under a microscope.

It confirms my theory of her being a Hybrid.

The cells look similar to mine and yet entirely different.

I scan the DNA and compare the profile to others in the town. I wait for a while for the computer to search.

She was right. She is their child.

Mary Margaret Blanchard and David Nolan's forbidden love child. I wanted to laugh.

Then it hit me.

The realization that the woman upstairs was Royalty.

And that Henry was too.

I sit back in my chair in shock.

Mary Margaret was the heir to the Draumur Clan throne.

The bloodline was the oldest in vampire history.

She was set to marry another royal from another clan. Instead, she and David the prince of the Regalius Pack fell in love after meeting in the woods. They ran away from their families and thrones together. And had a child. Their families soon discovered their whereabouts and they fled. They feared for the safety of the child and requested the help of a Mr. Gold.

A fearsome warlock, who placed a spell to suppress her vampire side in order to protect her. They placed her in the human world and requested sanctuary in Storybrooke.

Now the lost Princess has resurfaced.

This also means that she has the powers of a Hybrid and Royalty combined.

I shuddered. I can't tell her, not yet.

I call Mary Margaret.


"You were right. She's your child." I say bluntly. I could hear her crying and telling David the news.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

She said in between sobs.

"Look, we can't tell her just yet. We need to get her adjusted first. She came for Henry, remember? She doesn't know she's a Hybrid thanks to Gold's spell. I can tell her who you two are and properly introduce her to you but we can't say anything about her bloodline. I can't risk Henry finding out. He's just a child in all of this." I explained.

"That's best. Just tell me when she's ready to meet with us." She choked out. We hang up and I close out the program, shutting down my computer.

Hybrid (A SwanQueen Story)Where stories live. Discover now