3. Granny's

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I drove around for a while trying to find this B&B she was talking about.

Clothes, shoes...Granny's. Granny's! I park on the side of this particular joint and walk in. This must be the breakfast part of the establishment. 

The place wasn't crowded but had a few midnight stragglers. A girl with long black hair and red streaks is at the counter. The whole place smelled un-human. I couldn't tell who or what everyone was.

"Hi, I'm looking for a room," I say awkwardly walking up to the countertop.

She stares at me similarly to Regina.

"Excuse me?" She says.

Suddenly an older woman comes in through the back.

"Oh you're the one I'm expecting, go back outside and the hotel is on your left. I'll be right there." She said, pushing the girl aside. 

I shrugged and went back out.

The brisk air hit me and sucked my breath away. Jamming my hands into my pockets, I walk quickly to my car. I pop my trunk and take out my suitcase. Heading to the hotel, I get my wallet out.

As I get inside, the cold doesn't go away easily but eventually fades.

The lady I assume is Granny, says

"Sorry, we don't have a lot of visitors here, write your name into the registry." 

She gestured toward the huge book gathering dust on the front desk. She hands me a pen and I sign my name and give my number. She says the price for the room and I hand her my card.

"Here's your key, room 144."

She hands back my card and a key with a piece of intricately carved metal.

It has floral patterns and surprisingly a swan at the bottom.

A smile creeps on my face. What a coincidence. I thank her and go up to my room, taking my suitcase with me.

I open the door with my key and immediately lay on the bed. My body was still exhausted from earlier and the adrenaline from being nervous had run out.

What do I say to Mayor Mills tomorrow? Was she going to reject the idea of properly meeting with my son?

And what was she? The smell of apple and cinnamon didn't exactly tell me what type of creature she was.

A freaky one by the looks of it.

 My inner wolf thought.

Ugh, don't think that.

You know I'm right.

Yeah, yeah whatever.

And the boy. My son. 

He had to be. He was beautiful. 

Just like I imagined.

 Brown hair and big eyes. I wonder what he's like. 

Hopefully, this Regina Mills has raised him well.

Night, Madam Mayor.

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