12. Natural

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Did she just vanish in a cloud of smoke?

I can't believe it.

I've seen some weird shit but this truly takes the cake.

What else can this woman do? I shouldn't be this surprised, she is part Witch after all.

I go up the stairs and realize that I have no clue where the guest room is. 

I look around, unsurprisingly there aren't just a handful of rooms.

"How the hell am I supposed to find the damn room if there are so many doors?" I say exasperated.

I walk around until my eyes catch a yellow sticky note.

"Wolf's Den, huh?" I whisper to myself.


A smile creeps on my face. Of course, this woman decides to be cheeky when we're about to jump each other's bones a few moments ago.

I open the door, it looks fancy enough.

I begin taking off my clothes.

I placed them on a chair next to the door. I usually slept in my underwear, so not having a change of clothes wasn't a problem. The sheets looked nice and expensive.

Damn, how much does royalty make?

Then I heard Regina start to take her clothes off, I gulped.

I could feel my eyes flicker to its supernatural glow.

I felt dizzy and fell on the bed haphazardly.

I was sure Regina heard with her unfortunate vampire hearing. My heart was racing and my head was spinning.

What the-? My inner wolf wasn't panicking but was freaking out about something.

What is it?

That woman.


She's activating your other side...

My vampire side?

I can't be sure.

Damn this town was full of surprises. 

This was almost way too much. It's only my first day and I've learned that my parents weren't just junkies or dead.

They're royalty, which makes me a princess?

And a hybrid.

What about Henry? He's some sort of mutation.

It sounded like Hybrids were rare, and interbreeding between them was even rarer.

Me finding out about Neal was an accident and thank god I did. 

I mean if we didn't know what Henry was...wait did I just say "we"?

What is going on?

One second I'm wondering if my kid is alive, the next I'm already co-parenting with a sexy hybrid mayor that I've only just met.

Now I find out I'm a hybrid princess that was born in the middle of a race war that landed in some man-made utopia for supernatural creatures.

I was a bail-bondsperson and now I'm just confused.

Not to mention overwhelmed.

I mean this lady just met me and she gave me a job, right off the bat? 

Was she expecting me to stay here? Did Henry already swear to stay here forever? Did Regina know Henry's real birthday? 

How did she even adopt him? Did she pay those people to kidnap a child and send them her way? No, she didn't seem like that type of person.

But she does seem like she would pay someone to get a child no matter what and not ask how.

She didn't look like she knew.

You're right, I can usually sense when someone is lying.

Perhaps it's a hybrid ability.

Maybe, but Regina said my parents, who I am meeting soon, put a spell on me suppressing my vampire side.

Oh god. Just what on earth have I gotten myself into?

Plus, Regina and I have a mutual attraction to each other.

We almost had sex on the stairs, for God's sake!

Like what do we tell Henry?

Oh hi, honey, we just met and now your moms are together.

It just feels impossibly natural with them.

Getting ready for dinner, eating like a family, and having a movie marathon.

 I swear Regina put a spell on me because that's impossible...isn't it?

Well if she didn't cast one then she certainly did at the diner. 

I mean who opens their buttons down to the third one?

You need to sleep.

I groan and roll over.

Goodnight, your Majesty. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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