8. Lunchbox

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Seeing Henry and Emma together made my heart sink. What if he...? No, I can't think like that. I look at the time and see that the Sheriff should be back from his rounds.

I take out my phone and call him.

"Hi Sheriff, can you tell me how an unauthorized person came into town?"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" He stuttered.

"Of course, you don't know, the barrier must be malfunctioning. Get Mother Superior to inspect the town line. I expect a full report by midnight tonight." I hung up, without giving him another chance to speak.

How did she get in? Henry has never gone outside the town line, it wouldn't have his blood in the database. The only other explanation is...

"What about my mom?" I hear Henry ask Emma. My attention is diverted as I await her answer.

"I really like her but don't tell her that, Henry."

I smile. This woman is too charming. I feel my cheeks burning and my heart beating faster. 

My fangs protrude out. I accidentally bite my lips and draw blood.

Damn it, why do I crave her like this? 

The same thing happened when I was drawing her blood earlier. 

Good thing she was looking away, or else she would've seen.

And she's Henry's birth mother, you can't...

I hear the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it," I say licking my lips, and getting rid of the blood.

My fangs retract. I make my way to the door and unlock it.

 I swing it open and Miss Blanchard is standing in front of me.

"Hi, sorry I didn't call ahead but I realized that Henry left his lunch box!" She exclaimed.

"Oh thank you,"

I take the lunchbox from her hands.

"Can you join us or is David waiting for you?" I ask.

"Yeah, he is," She looks down shyly.

She looks past me and sees the two behind me.

"Do you know how she got in?" She whispers.

"No, I sent Graham and Mother Superior to go see what's going on. Why?"

"Well, how old is she?" She asks, dodging the first question.

"I don't know, in her late twenties I suppose?"

"You think?"

She leans to the side looking behind me again.

"Mary Margaret, what's going on?" I ask.

"I think she might be..." she couldn't finish her sentence but I caught on.

"I took a sample of her blood, if she is then I should have the results in a while," I say, avoiding the topic.

"That might be why she came through." She guessed, looking hopeful. I couldn't blame her.

"I'll call you as soon as I know anything. I'm sure she would like to know as well." I say, trying not to give false hope.

"Well, I'm glad she came regardless. You two look like you're happy." She smiled.

"Wha-what does that mean?" I stutter, blushing.

"Oh wait, oh no I thought!" She put her hands in defense.

"I've only met her last night, she's only here for Henry. Whatever you think is happening..."

"No, I didn't mean it like that, I only meant with Henry..." she defended.

"Well, thank you for the lunchbox and I'll text you when I know anything," I say rushing her out of the door. She meekly smiled and left.

I sighed. And leaned against the back of the door as I closed it.

What is this blonde doing to me? I walk back into the kitchen. Emma is in the doorway connecting the kitchen to the dining room.

"Who was that?" Emma asks, leaning against the frame and crossing her arms. Her hair was brushed back exposing her neck. I feel my fangs poking through. I quickly set the box down and turn away.

"Oh just Miss Blanchard, returning Henry's lunchbox he left in her classroom," I say.

"It seemed to be a bit more than that." It wasn't really a lie.

"You heard, didn't you?"

I turned back around, placing my hands behind me against the sink.

"Wolf, remember?"

She said, tapping her right ear.

"I didn't forget. I would like to check the basement. Can you continue keeping Henry preoccupied?"

"Is that all, Madam Mayor?" She taunted.

I walk up to her and turn to her ear.

"Quite, Miss Swan," I whisper.

I can see her shiver and jerk away. She walks back to the table where Henry is scribbling something in a notebook. 

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