16. You aren't just a random one night stand

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Maddy's POV

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Maddy's POV

I groaned at the bright sunlight shining on my face, my head was pounding and feeling hot. I felt like I was going to die any second.

I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust to the bright light as well as possible but while opening my eyes I noticed I wasn't in my room. Quickly I shot up from where I was laying and immediately regretted it.

My head felt like it was a thousand pounds heavier than usual and the sight of the familiar room didn't make my headache any better. I glanced around the familiar room and my eyes fell onto the picture on top of the drawer with all of our friends laughing in my direction.

I carefully turned around to meet a sleeping Cameron, not any Cameron but Rafe Cameron.

He looked peaceful when he slept, he could be a real hot-headed person but right now it didn't look like he had a care in the world.

For a second the world seemed fine, staring at the beautiful boy laying next to me gave me a warm feeling in my stomach and also made my heart jump a little but then I remembered what situation I was in at that moment.

I was laying in my best friend's and brother's best friend's bed, naked may I add. I sighed quietly before slipping out of his bed and noticing that the only thing I could wear was my dress, which was not an option.

"I could get used to this view", a raspy voice said behind me making me grab the sheets as fast as possible, as I tried to cover myself at least a little bit, "don't be shy, nothing I haven't seen yet".

"Shut up Rafe", I muttered and looked down at the handsome boy.

"You look beautiful", he smiled before sitting up to be face to face with me.

"I need to sneak out of here, I can't just come out of your room like this", I chuckled, I hadn't looked into the mirror yet but I could only imagine the smudged makeup and messy hair.

"That's right. You can grab one of my t-shirts, I have some clothes from Sarah probably in my closet as well", Rafe explained placing his hand on my thigh, "Last night was magical".

I smiled and nodded, he placed his soft lips against mine and we kept them together for a few moments. The sound of a car door slamming shut made us jump away from each other.

I quickly got out of the Cameron boy's bed and slipped my underwear back on as well as a random white T-shirt that was pretty much oversized on me as well as a pair of jean shorts that were probably Sarah's.

"Even in those clothes you look amazing", Rafe smiled while slipping on some black boxers.

Let's take a moment to proceed the image of him in only black boxers, a dream.

Before I started walking towards his bedroom door I quickly fixed my face and hair but got stopped by big hands.

"You can't go out of my room, princess", Rafe chuckled and I remembered how weird it would look. After disappearing from the Midsummer festival and then coming out of Rafe Cameron's room with his clothes on.

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