41. I love you

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Maddy's POV

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Maddy's POV

After I got the message from Sarah to get to Tannyhill ASAP, I told Barry to drop me off there. The boy I never thought I would ever spend time with, took me over to the big house that belonged to the Camerons.  

On our way there I heard police sirens, all over the island and I knew this wouldn't end good, this was the end. I was anxious, my hands were sweaty as I tried to control my breathing. 

Barry sped through the streets, my hands wrapped around his torso as I tried not to lose my mind. I kept glancing around, around the town that I once loved so much but now something evil hid behind every corner. 

The houses didn't seem to blend together today, they all stuck out, sharp and harsh. My heart was beating in my chest and I was sure it would explode any second. 

Finally, the boy came to a halt. The entire driveway was filled with cop cars, blue lights flashing everywhere. It had been too many times now that this view had crossed my eyes. 

"What the fuck is going on here, man", Barry muttered as I swung my leg from the dirt bike and immediately handed him the helmet he let me borrow. 

"Thanks, Barry for taking me", I thanked the brown-haired boy that looked just as confused as I did. 

"Welcome princess and now get your ass out there before I get in any trouble, aight?", Barry said and I just nodded.

I stood still for a second, not knowing what was coming for me. Once again the unknown seemed better than knowing what was about to happen. 

But then I was able to wrip myself out of these thoughts and my feet were finally working again. I quickly turned around and started running towards the police cars, the back entrance of the Mansion. 

"What's going on", I asked an officer breathlessly, and just in that second I felt a fragile hand wrap around my own. 

"We gotta go", Sarah said, out of breath just like me. I looked into her chocolate brown eyes and they were filled with fear and anger. 

"They got them right?", I asked my voice breaking a little. 

Sarah only nodded and I felt as if all the air was pushed out of my lungs. I had never thought that I would feel this way about our fathers getting caught but here I was. 

Sarah tugged on my hand and I just stumbled after her. The two of us ran onto the wooden dock of the Cameron's where the boat was seated. 

Just then I noticed the whole Pogue gang running behind us, how did I not notice them? 

"Dad!", Sarah yelled ripping me out of my thoughts once again. 

"Sarah! Maddy!", Ward yelled and I could see my father standing next to his best friend. The two men were dressed in white, holding a glass of whiskey in their hands, and for the first time in my life, I saw fear in my fathers' eyes. 

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