28. I promise

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Rafe's POV

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Rafe's POV

After my visit at the Bamford residence yesterday I had to take action, I had to take control of my life again. If I wanted to keep Maddy as my girlfriend I had to figure my shit out immediately. 

The next morning I got up rather early and got dressed immediately, in a random outfit, I didn't really care. My first step was Barry's he had to sell me more coke because I didn't only need money but I had to get some for myself since I was about to run out. 

I quickly did a line before walking out. The path got a little wanky in my vision but I tried blending it out. 

"I'll mess you up man, I said I would", I mumbled to myself getting some words out of my head, "Didn't I say I would? Huh? I warned you". 

I was proud of the little monologue I had practiced the entire morning, I tried placing the helmet on my head but it wouldn't budge. Stupid fucking helmet, fuck. 

I threw it to the ground, anger already taking over me again. Clam down Rafe, calm down.

"I take care of business, every day I do that. That's alright", I chuckled trying to stay calm as I kept revising the monologue.

I started the motorcycle and forgot how much of a balance I actually needed to drive this vehicle. At first, I swayed around a little not sure if I would actually fall or not. 

Eventually, I stopped in front of Barry's trailer, quicker than I had anticipated. 

"Barry!", I yelled stepping into the trailer just as the boy was about to do a line, of course, I couldn't care less, "I need cocaine".

"Well, I'm all out man, that was my last line right there", he explained with a grin after sniffing up the white powder I needed desperately, "Everybody came and done a run on me. Everybody stocking up for the storm". 

I started searching through his drawers, he had to be lying, there was no way I couldn't get any coke from him right now, "Oh I know you got it in here bro".

"No, I don't got anything in here. I'm all out man", he explained again.

"Bullshit, you're full of shit!", I yelled running around more, I needed cocaine, now. 

"People got to do something. Rafe, what did I say, Bitch? I'm all out! I'm out bitch! Get out of here, man! Get out of my room!", Barry yelled shoving me out of his closet.

"Where is it? I know you got some bro", I kept saying feeling myself panic, what would I do if I don't get the drugs I needed to function?

"What the hell has gotten into you?", Barry asked annoyed. 

I felt my breath get quicker as sobs came out of my mouth, my mind was racing over back to the Peterkin incident and everything else while I sat down on the floor, scared I'd fall down, "Because I-"

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