18. I fucked up

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( !Possible trigger warning!)

Maddy's POV

After sleeping through the entire day and night I sadly woke up to the familiar sound of waves crashing into the shore and gulls making their normal sound.

I let out a sigh while remembering everything that had went down the past two days. I felt ashamed for doing everything that I did and believing everything that I was told.

I slept with my best friend's brother and not only was I falling for him but he admitted that he played me just to get in my pants.

There had been rumors my entire life, that I was some sort of whore and basically fucked almost every guy from our school but that wasn't true.

The rumors started after one of the Kook parties, it was just a random party and I got absolutely shit-faced like I always do. But that night someone put something in my drink, no one admitted to it but someone had to have done it.

I never remembered that night, all I know is that Sarah had to get me home after pushing some dude off of me. Everyone at the party thought I was hooking up with a random guy as if it was something totally normal for me. I got lucky that my best friend helped me out of there, without her, things would probably have looked worse than they do now.

The rumors were never true tho, I always loved Sebastian, he was my first time ever, and even though this party happened before I even met him, people just associated partying with fucking around. In my defense, I hadn't even slept with that many people, maybe 5 if you count Rafe in.

My body felt exhausted, even lifting my arm up to check the time was too much for me. I felt as if all the energy left my body as soon as I opened my eyes.

My room was still dark only a few sunbeams shined through my blinds, the sun was out and I had prayed that today would be a rainy day, so I could just lay in my bed and let the world outside continue its daily patterns without me attending.

After procrastinating for a few more minutes I decided to finally get up and use the bathroom. After I was done, I washed my face but that was about it, after those two little tasks I laid back in my bed. Pulling the covers up to my chin, hoping they would keep every negative thought away from me. But sadly that was not the case.

Rafe's words kept replaying in my head as well as Sarah's, I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt the wet pillow underneath my face. I couldn't help but let it all out.

After everything that had happened, it was time to cry it all out, not to think it through, but cry it all out.

My breaths got shorter and my vision went blurry as I let all of the pain wash over me. I gripped my covers harder while my heart started to wrench through the pain.

I tried my best to silence my cries as I tried gasping for air here and there, my head started to hurt, and every little memory that brought me joy was pushed back into my head. Locked away so I couldn't access them, the negative thoughts were now ruling over my mind.

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