Cheater - Tig Trager

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Today you woke up and once again Tig was not there you have grown quite sick of this actually because he only spoke to you when he was made to by the club you have tried talking to him but he would just walk away from you. 

Gemma invited you over for the day and you were kinda excited because you have been getting lonely because you have had to stay at home and clean everyday because Tig stays up late and there a beer bottles all over the ground and the coffee table and chips everywhere. 

You had gotten to Gemma's house and saw a bike outside you knocked on the door no answer you knocked again twice and still no answer you got the key from under the pot plant and put it in the lock to unlock the house you walk and try to find Gemma you walk down a hall and you see Gemma pushed against the wall with Tig trapping her there you gasp and they did not even hear you, you ran out the house down the steps and into your car and drove back home and ran into your bedroom not caring that your door was still wide open and any one could just walk in at any given time you packed your duffel bag with all your clothes you had gathered everything else that you had and walked to your truck you put them in the tray and started your car and then drove to your parents house. 

Gemma's POV: 
Tig had barged into my house and he looked quite upset and i started to hug him he went and grabbed the things that Clay had asked him to and came back out to me he then accidently dropped it and he says "sorry. i'll get it" he started picking them up and then i stepped in front of him he looked up at me and we both started staring at each other i then pressed his head in between my tits he then stood up and we started making out we had been like this for a hot minute and there was then a knock on the door i think nothing of forgetting that Y/N was coming over to spend the day here to speak about her problems with Tig. 

3rd person POV: 

Y/n walks in and finds Tig and Gemma making out she gasps but they don't hear her she races out and drives to her house packing her bags and then going to her mother's house. 

Tig POV: 

I start to think about Y/n while making out with Gemma and how i am cheating on my wife who i have not treated correctly i have not had a full conversation with in a week, i pull away from Gemma and say 
"this is not right Gemma, what would happen if Clay was here or Y/n was here i need to go and talk to her" 
I drove home and see that her truck is gone i run into the house to see if her things are still there i check in the bedroom first nope they are not there anything else that she has in this stupid house nothing of hers is here. What if she was there when i was making out with Gemma. 

"FUCKKKKKK, why do i fuck everything up this always happens i do everything wrong why would she ever go out with me i am a disgrace to her"

Then i thought if she did see it, if she went anywhere she would go to her parents she would not go to Jax's house to see Tara i run to my bike then go to her parents i see her through the window crying her eyes out on her mum's shoulder. 

I go and knock on the door and she opens it and then trys to shut it on my face i put my foot in between the door and said 
"can you please listen to me baby, i was not thinking and neither was Gemma i only done it because i was upset because i was thinking that at any given time you could leave me for another man and just forget about me and i don't know how i could live without you in my life i will never do this again and i am so sorry baby i understand if you don't want me back" she then replied with 
"Tig what you done really hurt me i thought you would never do this because of all the promises you had kept but i don't know how to live with out you if i broke up with you so i will take you back because i missed you so much but it is going to take me a while to trust you as much as i did before you had cheated" he walked forward and kissed me i was glad that i could be with him again. 

Love you all please do not send any hate xxxx xoxo

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