Jealousy - Happy Lowman

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Happy had the day off today and we just stayed at home, i had been wanting to watch Outer Banks because my friends had started to watch it with their partners and i wanted to watch it with Happy. I had been trying to get him to watch it with me all week but he just declined it, i asked him to watch it today and he finally said yes. 

We started watching it and i found JJ really hot and then when he started firing the gun at the party i said "Holy shit, that's hot" and Happy replied with "Yeah but Kiara is hotter" and then said "Oh ok" and i started to feel my stomach go empty like i was about to start crying you then said to Happy "I am going to go for a shower, you can keep watching the show if you want" he replied with "I wanna go for a shower with you" you then said "Nah i just want a shower by myself".

Happy POV:

When Y/n said that she wanted a shower by herself i knew something was wrong she never wants to be alone she gets too scared of what could happen. So once she went down the hall into our bedroom's bathroom, i started walking down there just to make sure she was alright. Once i got to the bathroom i heard her soft sobs i wonder what made her so upset then i remember what i had said "Yeah but Kiara is hotter". 

I started knocking on the door and i know she could hear me but she just said "go away Happy" and i replied with "No Y/n i want to talk to you please" she then finally opened the door and walked over to the bed and i sat down next to her on the bed i then said "When i said that shit about Kiara i only said it out of Jealousy you know" and then she just laughed and said "I know i just liked the look of him but your hotter and i was only crying because of the hormones that come with your baby" i then rolled her over and said "What did you just say to me" she then replied with "You're going to be a father baby" i just kissed her and said "That's fucking awesome im going to be a dad".

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