This isn't fair - Tig Trager

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Tig POV:

Today Jax had informed us that we were going to Nero's to talk to him about business to help out the club. I was getting on my bike just to be prepared for when Jax was ready to go in ten minutes but Y/n came out to me and bent over in front of me and i saw that she had no panties on i was about to get up to smack her ass when i saw Jax walking out of the clubhouse she stood up, looked back at me and smirked. I just shook my head in reaction the boys all laughed at me and happy said "You're pussy-whipped brother" i then replied with "Yeah i am pussy-whipped cause that shit is like heaven on earth".

Once we got to Nero's, Jax and Nero went into his office to talk about business and the rest of the club was said to wait until he was done. Once Jax and Nero came out he said to the club "Right we need to go to the Clay's house search for the paper's that prove he was the one that started the robberies and pinned it on me" the club then replied with "Yeah alright lets get goin then"  

Jax POV: 

I sent Juice over to Clay's to look for the papers that are proof of the robberies. Making sure that Tig was to stay here because my sister wanted to tease Tig, once we got back to the clubhouse Tig got off his bike and straight into Y/n. 

I saw Tig walk straight past Y/n and to the bar instead and had then seen Y/n look at me with a puzzled look and i just shrugged my shoulders. I walked over to Happy and saw Y/n following we were all talking about the stuff recently that involves the club and how it effect's the family life. 

When Tig walked over to Y/n and grabbed her arm then walked her to the dorms out the back, Happy and the rest of the club all smirked and cheered while i just stood there feeling disgusted. 

Y/n POV: 

I heard all the boys get back when i saw Tig walk in i thought i was going to get lucky but he walked straight past me to the bar and started drinking i looked over at Jax and he had just shrugged his shoulders at me. 

Jax was walking over to Happy and i followed them we all start talking about the club and how it was effecting everyone in their family life, then i saw Tig walking over to me and grabbed my arm taking me to the dorm rooms at the back while we were walking there the boys smirked and cheered. 

Tig opened the door to his dorm and laid me down on the bed, pulling my skirt down in the process and then said "This isn't fair, princess is it" you then replied with "No it isn't fair" he then said "Well lets keep it that way then, making me hard before i left to go deal with some club bullshit". 

You can guess what happened next :) :) :) 

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