Your Love Will Never Be Forgotten - Tig Trager

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Walking down the streets of Charming never bored me it always gave me a sense of relief that was until i started running into the infamous Tig Trager the biker who always had women clinging onto him that was the funny part he only done this to make the short brunette women jealous the one women who flipped his whole world the first time he met her but she didn't know that. 

I had just walked into the TM and saw Tig with a croweater on the couch this was upsetting because we had been a thing but had no labels i loved every minute of it hoping that this could last forever but this just shows that nothing lasts forever and it never will. I was angry that he would do this to me without saying anything because he was obviously unhappy with what we were before. 

I walked over to Happy who had always been a good fuck buddy when i needed him i gave him the look that we share when one of us want each other and he took me to the back, everyone around us started cheering but i felt a pair of eyes on me so i looked back and saw that it was Tig with a death glare on his face. After Happy and i were done i cleaned myself up and the bed kissed Happy which is a thank you and he slaps my ass i walked out of the room and straight to the bar i ordered another Vodka Cruiser went to turn around and walk off to talk to Jax but i was met with Tig he then said "What was all that about Y/n i thought we had an arrangement about all of this shit" i had replied with "Yeah i did think we had an arrangement but seeing as you don't follow it why should i, i have always loved and always will but now we are just destroying each others lives so whatever we had is done" so i just walked over to Jax to talk to him for awhile with my eyes on Happy all night. 

Tig POV:

That was it she ended it like we never had anything i loved her and she apparently loved me aswell so why does it have to end so soon i walk over to Happy and punch in the jaw he punches me in the eye when Bobby interfered and said "Take it to the ring" that is where the both of us walked off to i saw Y/n with a smile on her beautiful face walking out with Happy the lucky son of a bitch. 

I took of my kute and rings giving them to the nearest croweater while watching Happy give Y/n his kute and shirt as well his rings and she gave him a good luck kiss this is how i knew that i was about to get fucked up. 

Once we were done in the ring we hugged and walked off i went and got my shit off the croweater and she was trying to get into my pants, i walked over to Y/n and Happy and saw that Happy had his arm around her shoulder and was kissing her i then asked to talk with Y/n and he looked at her and she nodded her head he walked off behind her just out of hearing distance and then i said "Y/n i know that this is over now and you love Happy so i will just say this your love will never be forgotten" and then she said "That goes both ways Trager" she gave me a hug and walked back over to Happy. 


Love you all, hope you like it. Xx

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