Maybe You'll Love Me Someday - Jax Teller

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(I got this from Eminem's song Superman)

Y/n POV: 
It was hard to love a man that was hated by the cops and most of the cartels he works with, but it get's worse when he is in love with the woman who broke his heart in high school: Tara Knowles. I had loved Jax from the moment we first started becoming friends in middle school (sorry i am from  Australia) Opie actually got us to meet each other because he said we have the same personality and sense of humour. But now it is like only Opie and I who really have a friendship, it is really starting to hurt because it was so easy for him to just through away our friendship but can keep the friendship between him and Opie.

(Skip a few hours, now night time)

I was just arriving at the party, and the club members eyes went on me. Tig was checking me out and came over to me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "You look fucking sexy babydoll' i laughed and replied with "Thanks Tiggy baby, where is Opie?" Tig then said "He is in the back with Donna" you then said "Ok thank you Tig". 

I was walking over to Gemma, when an arm wrapped around my waist I looked towards the person and it was Chibs I then said "Hey Chibs, how are you baby?" he replied with "I am good, lass you look beautiful" i then said "Thank you, Chibs you don't look to bad either".

I continued walking over to Gemma with Chib on my hip and then Gemma kissed my cheeks and said "You look absolutely beautiful baby, i am glad you came here" and then Chibs said "Why thank you Gemma, i am absolutely stunning" we all just laughed when i asked Chibs "Hey Chibs, can i talk to Gemma alone please?" and Chibs said "Ofcourse, talk to you later" and walked off. 

TW! Se!f H4rm 

I then said to Gemma "Hey can we please talk somewhere more private Gem"  she replied with "Of course baby, lets go to my office", we walked to her office and sat down on the couch i then said "Gem it is getting worse, everytime i try to go to bed i can't i have to pull out a razor and then i am able to fall asleep and what's worse Jax will not even talk to me and because I am always Opie he asks me to go away just so he can speak to Opie" Gemma then just started hugging me and said "It will be ok baby i promise you, do you want me to talk to Jax? but i will be helping you through the cutting whenever you feel like cutting you will call me straight away and i will help you through it" i replied with "Thank you so much Gemma" we then walked back to the party and i walked straight to the bar and then lost sight of Gemma. 

Jax POV: 
I was walking over to the bar when Gemma pulled me to her office and then she said "Why have you been ignoring Y/n, has she done something? you have been friends since middle school and i was friends with her parents in middle school, what happened?" i then said "I didn't mean to ma i have different priorities right now and they are a bit higher than her" she then said "Well i bet you never bothered to check on her when she was cutting her arms and legs because of how upset her live has been recently" i just looked her and said "What did you say" and then she said "She has been cutting herself every night recently, did you ever check on her like Opie did he stayed with her when she was at her lowest where were you Jax? Oh that's right you were with Tara trying to fix her shit instead" she then walked off, i sat there upset with myself why would she do this to herself i thought to myself where did i go wrong?.

I walked in towards the bar and saw Y/n with a beer in her hand and 2 beer bottles in front of her, already drinking way more than she should because of her medication i walked over to her and then said "Can we please talk Y/n, up on the roof" and she replied with "Yeah sure, i will be there in a second ok" so i started walking there. She arrived after a little bit with two beers in her hand and she handed on to me i then said "So how have you been recently Y/n, i haven't talked to you in awhile" she then replied with "Yeah probably because you have been ignoring me, other than that i have been fine sleeping well and have been promoted manager at my job. How have you been?" i said "I have been fine, cartel deals are going good better than ever actually and Tara has stopped talking to me but i also know that you are not fine because Gemma told me what was going on with you and how you have not been sleeping but cutting yourself instead, but i do not understand why. Please tell my why you do it?".

She started to cry a little and then said "Because life is shit Jax, nothing has gone right for me this whole year, for fucks sake my sister died, you stopped talking to me and my co-workers said the only i would succeed in is if i kill myself because no one would ever want me" i just hugged her and then said "I am sorry, it should not have ignored you and i regret doing it for so long you are the best friend i could have ever asked for and-" she cut me off by saying "It doesn't matter Jax it hurt so much because i love you, I hated seeing you with Tara smiling because it hurt more than anything and i knew that you would not love me the way that i have loved you for years" she then got up and started walking to the end of the roof and then said "I am leaving Charming Jax for good" i just sat there to upset to say anything the woman i loved walking away from me leaving me forever i then said "I love you too, maybe you will love me again someday". 

Y/n POV: 
(Two years later)

I never thought i would be back in this dreaded town but Gemma called and said that she needed me so i drove back immediately. I walked into the TM and straight to Gemma's office and saw her sitting their crying i then said "Hey pretty lady, what is the matter" she then ran over and hugged me and said "Clay and have separated and i miss you baby" i then said "Hey Gem i finally got clean and i have even been helping people get through their own problem but i still want Jax back is that a problem Gemma" she then said "No baby he has been a wreck without you getting into fights with everyone in the club  and has been in the shop a lot more" i then said "Oh shit, I am so sorry Gem i just left him that night he had said that you told him what i was doing to my self at that time". 

I walked over to the shop and i was met with Chibs he walked over to me, kissed my cheeks and hugged me tightly and then said "Oh my god lass i have missed you so much" and then Tig came over doing the exact same thing and then said "I think you should go talk to Opie" i done what he said and Opie said "So Jax told me what happened, how come you left without saying goodbye to me. I am glad you are back i have missed you so much but i think Jax might be wanting to see you after us talking" i then replied with "I am so sorry Opie, i never wanted to leave but the way Jax reacted i had to leave i could be around this lifestyle anymore but i have surprise Opie i am moving back i could not live without seeing you again" he just smiled and hugged and i hugged him back with everything that i had when i heard someone clearing their throat. I turned around and came face to face with jax (for me it would be more like armpit with face because of how short i am) i then said "Hey Jax, i think we should talk up on the roof what do you think" he then replied with "Depends is the woman i love going to run off on me again" i then said "You love me, because i love you too and no i will not run off on you again because i am moving back here Jackie-poo" they both laugh at the nickname you use to call him back in high school. 

Jax then kissed it was filled with passion and need like everything i needed since i had left. I did not know i could need something so much. Opie then said "Alright love birds, Jax you have work you need to attend to" Jax replied with "I think it can wait because i need to go to the back rooms with Y/n because i have something that cannot wait" my eyes went wide and Opie just laughed and said "whatever, don't have to much fun and use protection" and i said "I do what i want". 

You can imagine what happened 

Hope you liked it all. Sorry i haven't uploaded in a long time, a lot of shit has been going on for me at home. 

Sorry if these have been going to shit, i just have no ideas on what to write. So please give me some ideas please.  

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