He Will Never Love Me The Way I Love Him - Chibs

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Chibs POV: 

I was walking throughout the clubhouse trying to find her, she just go back today Jax had taken her away to protect her, he told no one where she was so that no one else could find out, and the  only person that had been able to follow was Opie her twin brother. 

I don't know how they can be twins though, Opie is a giant and Y/n looks like a dwarf next to him because of how short she is. Opie has  brown hair and Y/n has jet black hair. Y/n is slim and had massive tits, Opie was well built and had muscle. Y/n was an introvert who never wanted to do anything because it felt like there was something blocking her from getting true happiness, Opie was slightly an extrovert but was more of an introvert for his own good, he was able to get out of the house without being covered in all black clothes and being hidden from everyone but other people crowding over the top of her so that she would not be seen. It goes to show that i am completely and utterly in love with this girl, she is my everything i have nothing without her by my side, when she is there i cannot help but smile the whole time. 

I had finally spotter her at the bar talking to Gemma while she was drinking a beer, i walked over to her and said "Hey Lass, how have you been?. I missed your sense of humour around here" she had then replied with "Hey Chibbie, i am doing great. I missed your laugh while i was gone" and she then gave me a bone crushing hug. 

Y/n POV:

I had been waiting to see Chibs all night i had missed him so much while i was away i had always been asking about him when the guys would come and check on me but they could never tell him anything i said because in my eyes it would not matter, because i don't matter to him. After about 30 minutes since i got home i saw Chibs finally walk over to me and he said "Hey lass, how have you been?. I missed your sense of humour around here" i had then replied with "Hey Chibbie, i am doing great. I missed your laugh while i was gone" i could not stop myself so i gave him a bone crushing hug. 

Gemma just laughed at the two of us, i then turned my head around to face her and i then said "What's so funny Gemma?" she had then replied with "Oh nothing, but can you please let go of Chibs so we can go to the bathroom" i giggled and let go of Chibs and said "I will be back soon Chibbie ok" he just gave a thumbs up and laughed while walking over to go an talk to Happy. 

Gemma and I were in the bathroom and said "You like him don't you Y/n" and i replied with "Who are you talking about Gemma" she glared at me and then said "You know who i'm talking about, Chibs i think he likes you back darling" i just laughed and shook my head at what she had just said and then told her "No he doesn't like me back Gem, he could never i will never be good enough for someone like that" Gemma just looks at me and shakes her head clearly not impressed by what i was saying and said "You are so blind, and apparently he is too". 

We both walked back out of the bathroom and i saw Chibs talking to a croweater and i felt my heart sink, why does this have to happen to me i see him look over at me and smile so i just smiled back and walked over to Jax. I was talking to Jax and Opie about how there was already some club drama because of how they killed a member of certain cartel and they are not very happy with the SOA anymore, when Chibs came over and then said "Hey lass, what are you up to?" i then replied with "Oh nothing much just talking about the club" he just laughed. 

I then said "I am going to go and talk with Tara for a bit if that is ok with you guys" Jax and Opie replied with "Yeah it's all good, have fun" and Chibs replied with "Uh yeah it's ok but can i please talk to you alone first" and i just nodded. He led me to one of the rooms out the back and we both sat down on the bed and he said "Y/n i need to talk to you about this girl, she is really pretty, smart, funny as well as friends with most of my brothers and- i had cut him off by getting up and saying "Chibs i can't help you i am not good with this stuff and i cannot handle the person i am in love talk about a girl that he is in love with, you are going to have to figure it out with someone else" i had then walked out of the room hearing Chibs call out my name but i ignored him instead and walked straight into Gemma's office where i saw Gemma sitting their trying to get away from someone at the party. 

I sat down on the couch and started to cry while Gemma just turned around from the window  and  said "Hey baby, what has got you so upset" i just continued to cry harder and then said "He likes someone else Gem and he was trying to get my help to get with her. See i told you Gem he will never love me the way that i love him".

The End!

If no one will like you for the way you are, then do not let them get what they want. Do not change for anyone ever, you are beautiful and you are worth more than anything that i could buy. So please love yourself and do what you want and get what you deserve.

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