Chapter 11: Vickers

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He grunts angrily, rubbing his chin.
Your previously twisted ankle, twists again as you land. You look up at him, you only reach his hips when standing up straight. You gulp, then. You start running, as fast as possible. Reaching for your helmet as you do.

He wasn't following you, he was standing watching you with a hand to his chin and a clenched fist. you clip your helmet on, not looking back as you sprint through the tall ceiling rooms and corridors.

Several minutes later

You slam your fist onto the button, the door hisses as it opens. As you are decontaminated, you stand on all fours panting. He didn't appear to have followed you. So you could relax.

Shit, david.

You pull yourself up off of the floor shakily and drop your helmet on the floor as you begin to steadily limp through the door into the dock, 2 buggies sat still. Not used in days, especially now your crew is dead. Checking behind you first, then you limp your way cautiously through the dock. You take in deep breaths, looking down at your leg. Of course you had to sprain it and then have to outrun a titan alien.

If everyone was dead, even Janek and Vickers. Then surely your only chance of survival is to-

Vickers. Is she still alive? She didn't go on any missions. She stayed on her ship, this ship, and watched with Janek. So surely Janek is alive too? Your heart pounds in your ears, there is hope. Adrenaline pumps through your veins, you completely forget the pain your ankle and back are in. You run as fast as possible down the hallway to Vickers quarters. A sharp pain shoots down your spine and parts of your rib cage. Wincing and panting, you lean against the wall. And hold your side, continuing limping.
A few moments later the ship jolts. You manage to grab the wall. You look around you, back and forth between behind and in front of you. No more jolting, you hold your breath and furrow your eyebrows in worry as you continue walking along the wall.

Vickers quarters door comes into view, right ahead. Several feet away. You pause for a moment before pushing away from the wall, faster than before. The ship tilts, are we flying? You reach forward to push the open button, you trip over and roll headfirst into the door.

Blurred vision, swaying side to side. You blink, gasping for air. Once again winded, now upside down on your back against the wall. Your leg drops. A beep. You look up, the open button. The door opens slowly. You stand up quickly, holding the wall for stability. "Vickers?" You call, quietly.
The door shuts behind you, locking shut. Pushing off the wall once more you limp to the middle of the room, all over your ribs ache. You wince at random sharp pains. You push past the fallen table and chairs. Loud bangs and sounds of clashing metals, from outside. then followed by the ship tilting backwards, you scream slightly in panic at falling backwards. Landing against a blue pillar,  a long shaky breath escapes you. What next? All I want is to get out of here, what's happening?

Bonds // Engineer x y/n (Prometheus)Where stories live. Discover now