(Update)Who now?

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Chapter 1

Your POV

"Ahhh..... it's boring when they're gone" you said as you lay down on the floor.

This = thoughts 💭

"I remember back than when I use to be a superhero good times .... Wait ?! , no there were not good times. Always tell me to go fight when there are more than one heroes that could go fight. Not only that but ever person I met were really nice -too nice ,some flirty,or like tornado kind of mean."

"I wonder when GG is coming back from shopping and I hope Philly gets back from school soon".

"I wonder when GG is coming back from shopping and I hope Philly gets back from school soon"

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This how she look (before she had no Goggles)

About GiGi:

Gender- female

Relationship- bff

Powers/skills- she can float,is very strong,can shoot energy lasers of stars through her body all thanks to her robotic arm and an accident (maybe me talk later about it). She can do lots of things when it comes to normal things like cooking,cleaning,having lots of degrees of many jobs.

Likes: she likes shopping 🛍 at malls for clothings,Getting her nails and hair done 💅,children,likes color purple,animals, swimming and loves pie 🥧.

Dislikes: rats 🐀 and bugs 🪳(I mean who don't) , tuna , when people curse or say inappropriate things in fount of kids, messes, scary stuff and you ( just kidding )

Age: 23

Personality: she acts like a mean bit-( gets slapped by her) haha... I mean has a motherly personality,kind and caring, violent when she needs to be.
Now on to you Philly cheesesteak ,that my nickname for him 🐼

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