Confession (marcanne)

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Marcy took a Deep Breath in, Holding Her Letter tightly to Her chest, "It's okay Marcy, You're fine... You can do this..." She whispered to Herself,

Suddenly She heard Her Mom, "Marcy! Hurry up or You'll Be Late to School!"

Marcy quickly stuffed The Letter in Her bag, Along with Her Nintendo Switch, a Spare School Jacket, a Spare School Sweatshirt, and Last Weeks Homework.

She Hurried Down the Stairs, Which ended up with Her Tripping Down the Stairs on Her 3rd Step, She groaned when Her chin hit the Bottom, "ugh..."

She quickly got up, Rubbing Her Head as She walked to the Kitchen.

"Hey Dad-io! What's for Breakfast?" She asked Her Dad,

He took a Ladle of Porridge and put it in a Disposable Bowl, He topped it with Two Large Rice Balls, Two Eggs, and Chives.

He slid it to Her with a Disposable Spoon, "Rice Balls and Porridge, Head out to the Car Your Mom is waiting."

Marcy sighed, "Okay, thanks Dad."

She gave Him a kiss on the Cheek, "See you after school!"

She waved goodbye to Her Dad as She ran out the Door, Getting into the Van with Her 4 other Siblings.

She smiled at Her Mother, "Hey Mom! Sorry I was late, I was Going over Notes for Today's class." She lied, If Her Mom knew She was Writing a Love letter, Especially to a Girl; They would Have to Move Away Forever.

Her Mom started Driving out of Their Driveway, "It's Fine Marcy, You won't be Late, just not Early."

Marcy looked down to Her food, Sadly Eating Her porridge.

She could tell Her Mom was Upset with Her...

After about 15 Minutes Marcy was Dropped off at Her School, Her Mom taking the Rest of Her Siblings to Their Schools.

Marcy waved to Anne as She walked into the School, "Hey Anna-Banana!!"

Anne waved back, "Hey Mar-Mar!" Anne giggled a bit, "Usually You're Here first, But this time I'm the Early one."

Marcy smiled, "Yeah I kinda tripped down the Stairs."


"But it's fine!" Marcy cut Her off, "Just a Bruise or Two, Doesn't matter,  What does Matter Is I don't see Sasha anywhere, Where is She?"

Anne pulled up a Group chat between the Three of Them, Showing it to Marcy, "Didn't you see the Message She sent? She has a Fever of 102, She's not going to be here today."

Marcy covered Her face, "Oh no! I was so Busy this Morning I didn't see it..."

"Busy doing what?" Anne asked,

Marcy blushed a bit, "Oh it's nothing, just Writing something-"

"I see that Blush Wu!" She cut Her off, Smiling brightly, "Is it a Love letter?! but to who... You've never mentioned a Special Someone to Me!"

Marcy's blush Deepened, "Um... well... it's... uh..." Suddenly the Bell rang, Marcy jumped, "Oh! That's the Bell, I gotta go, don't want to be Late, See ya Later Anna-Banana!"

as She ran away Anne yelled at Her, "you Can't Hide Forever Mar-Mar! I'll find out Eventually!!!"


After a couple of Classes, Anne Hurriedly Walked out of Her Classroom, She wanted to Ask Her about what She was Writing.

Earlier She acted Excited, but She honestly was Hoping She didn't like someone...

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