Prom (sashannarcy)

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Anne, Sasha, and Marcy, we're getting Ready in Anne's Room, Sasha was sitting on Anne's bed, looking at Herself in a Small Portable Mirror, "Hey Mar-Mar, can you hand me some Mascara? Mine's Dried out."

Marcy grabbed Her Mascara, "Yeah sure, Catch!" She tossed it to Sasha, Which She grabbed without even Looking.

Marcy's eyes sparkled, "Oh wow... How'd you do that Sashy?"

Sasha began putting Her Mascara on, "Cheerleading."

Marcy smiled, "Woah! I wish I had Reflexes like that, Don't you Anne?"

Anne stopped putting Her blush on and Hummed, "Eh, I think my Reflexes are pretty Alright."

Marcy blushed, "I'm so jealous... It's cause You Two are so Sportsy! I mean like, Anne you take Tennis and Muay Thai, Sasha you do Cheerleading," She pouted, "And all I do is Trip and Fall."

Anne and Sasha shared a Look, Anne put a Hand on Marcy's Shoulder, "Okay, you might be a little Clumsy, but you're So Smart!"

Sasha leaned back on Her hands, "Yeah! I bet you could Construct a Bridge if you really wanted to."

Marcy smiled, "Well, I kinda have Ideas for some..."

Anne blew a raspberry, "See! You're so smart you made Bridge Blueprints! I bet they were for fun too." She nudged Her side,

Marcy giggled, "Maybe~"

Anne went over to Her seat, Sasha also sat up, "What did we tell you? You're so Smart!" Sasha exclaimed,

Marcy giggled, blushing Excessively, "I wasn't even upset about having bad reflexes, but all these Complements feel so nice!"

The two other girls blushed, Anne giggled, "Well maybe We should do it more often~"

Marcy covered Her face, "No! or I'll just Complement you two Right Back!"

Anne dramatically pulled on Her cheeks, "Oh noooo"

Sasha fake fainted on the Bed, "Please Spare us~"

Marcy playfully rolled Her eyes, "You two are Too much."

Suddenly, There was a Small knock on Anne's door, Anne looked over to it, "Yes?"

Anne's Mom opened the door, "Hi Girls! we have to Leave for your Prom in 15 Minutes, So make sure you have Everything!"

The three Girls looked down at Their Outfits, Which were Large T-Shirts and Shorts, Anne nervously laughed, "Okay Mom um... We'll be ready by Then."

Mrs. Boonchuy smiled, "Okay, see you Three soon."

"Bye Mrs. Boonchuy!"

"Bye Mom!"

"Bye Mrs. B!"

The Second the Door Closed The Three girls Started rushing Their Makeup, Not saying a Word to Each other, just Listening to 'As If It's Your Last' by BLACKPINK.

After about 4 minutes, the Three Quickly stood up, running towards Their Prom Outfits.

They all faced Away from Each other as They Changed, facing Different Walls.

Sasha brushed off Her jacket, Before turning around She asked, "Are you two Changed?"

"Yup!" Anne responded,

"Basically," Marcy said before Continuing, "I just can't Lace-up My back."

Sasha and Anne turned around, Blushing when They saw each other, Sasha started walking towards Marcy, "I got it."

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