Eleven Anne's (Sashanne/Sashannarcy)

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Sasha sighed as she looked through the dozens of papers on her desk, they were notes from the amphibians out on missions, or battle strategies written out by Grime, or simply requests from amphibians still inside the rebellions walls—or more like basement.

She glared at the 8" paper stack with hatred, she wouldn't be surprised if there were over a thousand notes in that stack. Unfortunately, since she was the commander and her fellow commander was nowhere to be found—which was a real shame since Anne always made situations like this more bearable—she had to.

The blonde let out one more sigh before accepting her fate and grabbing the first page off the stack, only getting past the first sentence before someone bursted into the room. "Talk to Grime, I'm busy." Sasha instructed whoever ran in, not even looking up at them, just continuing to read.

"But I need you!!" Sasha could recognize it was Maddie's voice, the blonde just grabbed another paper, reading it as she told the frog, "Then write it down and add it to the bottom of this pile." she said, clearly a little frustrated that she was still bothering her.

Maddie huffed, exclaiming to the blonde, "But it's an emergency!" but Sasha didn't even glance at her, just grabbing another paper and reading it, repeating to the young amphibian "Talk to Grime."

"It's Anne!"

That finally got Sasha's attention, she dropped the paper, standing up and practically sprinting towards Maddie from how fast she walked, "What happened?"

Maddie started walking, "I'll tell you on the way." Sasha nodded, following her to where Anne supposedly was—although the blonde was walking so fast behind Maddie she was forcing her to speed up.

While they walked, Maddie began to explain what happened, "So, Anne was helping me experiment on new potions for an upcoming mission, and I was trying to make a level three multiplication spell, and I was going to test it out on myself but Anne offered to have it tested on her..."

Sasha raised an eyebrow, trying to stay calm with the knowledge that Maddie used a potion on Anne, and the potion messed up. "What happened?" Maddie nervously glanced back at the blonde with an anxious smile, "It um... it definitely worked!...ish..."

"Ish??!?!" She asked, trying her hardest to sound calm, but not succeeding. Maddie looked forward, taking a turn into the large potion/testing room, "...The potion is supposed to take your version of yourself and multiply it, and after fifteen minutes, you'll switch back,"

"well... I kinda messed up and it made Anne into eleven alternate universes of herself... and I don't know when she'll turn back."

"What." Sasha said, practically boiling, watching Maddie step to the side to show the Anne's conversating with one another. Most of them looked normal—like the Anne wearing a commander helmet, one wearing a Newtopian styled outfit, one wearing a blue set of armor that looked familiar to the one the blonde wore when she first became Grime's Lieutenant, and one that looked just like Anne, but just in a weird gaze—but then the rest looked... weird.

Like the one with dog ears and a tail, the two outside of the group fighting, one with angel wings and a holo, the other with devil wings and horns, the mermaid Anne on the ground with a bucket of water next to her, and the Anne that looked completely out of it with mushrooms growing out of her head.

Then finally, two of the Anne's weren't weird per se, but definitely different, one was young, around six, and the other was older, about twenty-one or twenty-three—but she couldn't be certain since she's never seen Anne as an adult before.

Suddenly, Maddie cupped her face, "Anne's!! Sasha is here!" Sasha looked at the frog confused, until all the brunette's looked at her, before swarming in.

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