Bugs (Marcy Horror/Gore)

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Bugs, Bugs Inside of Skin, Bugs Eating Flesh, and Vomiting.


Marcy stared up at her ceiling with wide eyes, absolutely terrified to move any muscles, trying to think of a million solutions to solve what was happening to her.

She could scream for her parents? no, they weren't home. She could risk moving her arm to call them? but that sounded absolutely gut-wrenching, especially considering if she moved her arm, she'd feel them even more,

the dozens of maggots, worms, spiders, and other disgusting bugs inside of her arm.

She could already feel every move they made, how they gushed around each other, slowly eating and gnawing at her flesh. Marcy had first felt something burning in her chest, like something was moving around in it and stabbing her insides, so her parents gave her an ibuprofen and told her to lie down and call them if it got worse since they were going on their date night.

The pain had only continued to get worse, spreading from her chest, to her left arm, she just laid down and silently cried as the pain began to become unbearable, not knowing what on earth was wrong with her.

That was, of course, until Marcy finally decided to look down at her arm, and when she did, she had the urge to vomit.

When she looked at her arm, she saw the skin being pushed up and down in a bumpy matter, something was inside her arm, and desperately wanted to get out; that would've been bad enough, but the worse part was that one of them succeeded.

On her palm was a small hole covered by neon green blood, a cockroach covered in her own greenish muscle and tissue climbing out of it.

Marcy immediately gagged, fighting the urge to vomit as she watched the cockroach continued to climb out of her, its legs tickling her skin with her meat, and then finally, flying off.

Marcy finally couldn't hold it in anymore, vomiting off onto her floor as she heard the cockroach buzz and fly around her ceiling, bumping into her bedroom walls over and over again, small chunks of her flesh falling onto the floor which each smack against the wall.

Marcy looked at the hole in her arm terrified, along with the bulging in her arm, the bugs wanted out, and were willing to chew their way through her to do it.

and that's what led her to laying on her back, watching the cockroach covered in her strange green fluids bump around her room, trying to think of ways to fix her problem.

Unfortunately, she had taken too long, because she felt one of the bug's painful jabs be a little too close to her skin for comfort.

Marcy took a sharp breath as she looked down at her arm, and to her horror, she was correct, the bugs had finally found a way out.

Marcy watched with terrified eyes as the small hole created on her arm got larger, and larger, and larger, hundreds of tiny stick arms digging into her tan skin and pulling themselves out, dozens of spiders, crickets, and cicadas, crawling out and chomping down on her skin to get out, the maggots, worms, and rolly-pollys dragging themselves onto the bugs with limbs and slithering out, and the cockroaches, flies, and moths flying out into the air, splattering green guts all around the room.

Marcy screamed as they continued to tug and chew her flesh apart, a piece of her green, slimy muscle falling into her mouth from the thousands of bugs buzzing and swarming around her roof. The ravenette threw herself up, coughing up her own flesh before slamming her face into the bed, sobbing from the unbelievable pain she felt as the bugs still chewed away at her arm.

There must had been over a million inside of her depending from how long it took them to get out of her, in fact, she had passed out before they had all escaped, feeling her head became light as she saw the entire floor covered by bugs, inch by inch, some even crawling on her, smearing her unnaturally colored blood all around her clothes, the last thing she saw before her brain finally took mercy on her and let her escape this horror, was the dozens of bugs still climbing out of her.

Marcy woke up with bright lights blaring in her vision, hearing someone yell, "Everyone! she's awake!!" as another held her right hand, squeezing it tightly, "Thank the Deity you're okay, Mar-Mar..."

Marcy squinted her eyes, "...Annie...?" she mumbled, her blurry vision finally setting as she saw her parents run up to her, along with Anne's parents, and Sasha's dad.

"Wha...? what's going on...?" she asked, her voice a bit slurred as her parents kissed her face, whispering 'Thank you Lord's and 'We love you Marshmallow's and 'We're so sorry love's to her as they did.

"What's happening?" Marcy asked, waking up a bit more, Sasha held the hand Anne was holding, both of them kissing Marcy's right hand, "Your-..." Sasha's voice broke as she tried to explain, tears coming to her eyes.

Her mother looked at her worried as she whispered, "...We found you, in your room with so... so many bugs..." her mom let out a sob, Marcy blinked as she remembered what had happened, letting out a gag, trying to sit up to run to a trashcan, but not being able to, her body wouldn't move.

Luckily, her family noticed, her girlfriends both immediately took action, Anne helping Marcy sit up and Sasha grabbed a trash can, her father holding back her hair as she puked into the garbage.

When she was finished, Mrs. Boonchuy wiped up her mouth with a napkin, Marcy wanted to cry as Anne carefully sat her back down. "Why can't I-..." she muttered, looking around at the people surrounding her, "why can't I move...?"

"You're on a lot of medicine to help." her dad explained with a sympathetic smile, "They had to do a lot of surgery to get... to get the bugs out." Anne explained.

Marcy whimpered at the reminder, some tears spilling from her eyes, immediately getting wiped up from her girlfriends. "We came as soon as your parents told ours." Sasha explained, kissing Marcy's nose.

Marcy furrowed her brows, "...How long have you been here? how long have I been under?!" Anne kissed Marcy's temple to try and calm her as her mother spoke, "Your surgery was about ten hours long, lots of talented surgeons saved your life, we were lucky to have all the organs you needed."

Marcy felt her stomach turn, "...I needed new organs...?" her father nodded, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "The erm... insects ate your stomach, kidney, and half your intestines, along with a lot of the muscle in your arm." he told her as softly as he could.

Sasha took Marcy's right hand and put it on her own face, "It's a miracle you're alive." Anne let out a happy airy chuckle, "That's our Mar-Mar!" she turned to Marcy, kissing her cheek once again, "always defeating death."

Marcy nervously laughed, "...Yup," she looked down at her body, not being able to see the bandages she assumed was on her torso, but she could see the huge wrap on her arm, feeling the urge to vomit as she whispered, "...that's me..."


guys this might shock you, but i actually love gore like, so so so much

horror and gore are like one of my favorite genres but i never write it 😪

i always write dummy romance 🙄

god i love romance


hope you enjoyed!! (because i am definitely gonna be writing more 🤭🤭🤭)

how y'all feel about an apocalypse one next 😏

January, 10th, 2023.

Word Count

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