want to Cuddle? (adult marcanne)

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In this One-Shot Anne, Marcy, and Sasha live together as New Girlfriends.

Enjoy the Story!!

Marcy stretched Her arms, She yawned, 'That's enough Drawing for Today...' She hummed, 'I wonder what Anne and Sasha are doing,' She let out a giggle, 'I mean, My Girlfriends are doing!'

She scooted out of Her bed, Happily walking into the Living Room, where Anne was sitting on the Couch.

Marcy dangled Herself over the Back of the Couch, She smiled, "Hey Anna-Banana! Whatcha doing?"

Anne put a Bookmark in Her book, Softly Closing it, "Just something for work," She looked at Her Girlfriend, "What's up?"

Marcy walked to the Front of the Couch, "Just finished My work for Today," She flopped on to the Couch, "Where's Sasha?"

Anne furrowed Her eyebrows, "Don't you remember? She went to Connecticut to Help those Kids, The ones who said They were from Another Dimension?"

Marcy made an 'Oh' Noise, "I hope They're real, That'd be Pretty cool."

Anne smiled at Her, "I believe it, I mean, We've been to another Dimension, Who says other people Haven't?" She chuckled, "The other People who have probably just don't say anything, Everyone would Think They were Crazy."

Marcy smirked, leaning on Anne's shoulder, "Lucky for us, We have proof~"

Anne blushed, "y-yeah."

Marcy and Anne stayed like that for a while, Marcy snuggling into Anne's arm, while Anne continued to read Her book.

After about 12 Minutes Marcy rolled down Anne's shoulder, Resting Her head on Annes lap, Anne smiled at Her, "Mar-Mar, what are you doing?"

Marcy groaned, "I'm bored!!" She frowned, "and I'm hungry!"

Anne hummed, "Well, I can order a Pizza! and maybe Bake some Red Velvet cupcakes with Ube frosting a certain Cutie loves~"

Marcy blushed, "That would be Amazing!" She grabbed Anne's hand, putting it on Her cheek, "You, are Amazing..."

Anne smiled, "You're amazing too, Marcy."

Marcy blushed as Anne bent down to Her face, 'Is this it??!'

'Are we going to have our First kiss!!?'

'right here?'

'right now!?!"

Anne gently kissed Her...


She kissed Her forehead.

When Anne popped back up Marcy's face was extremely Red, Anne blushed, covering Her mouth, "I-I'm so sorry! I should've asked first..."

Marcy hid Her mouth with Anne's hand, "I didn't mind..."

The two of Them looked at each other for Moment, Their face's reddening by the Millisecond.

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