Smoke (Adult Sasharcy)

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Marcy stood on the balcony, looking out to the L.A. view, the bright lights from the city brightening everything below her, making the ground look so warm, yet Marcy still felt cold from the brisk air.

Marcy changed her focus from the city, to her hands, looking at the pack of cigarettes she was holding, along with a black lighter.

She used her thumb to open her pack, putting both objects into her left hand to grab a cigarette out of the package before stuffing the small red and white box into her shorts pocket.

She clicked her lighter a couple times before a flame bursted into air, she carefully brought the small fire over towards her cig, quickly lighting it.

She stopped putting pressure on the lighters igniter and placed it in her pocket along with her pack, letting out a small sigh before bringing the lit cigarette up to her mouth, inhaling the smoke it produced, letting the air swirl in her lungs for a moment, before letting it out, the greyish smoke flying up towards the cold dark blue sky.

Marcy took another huff of her cigarette before tapping off the excess ash. She felt her body relax as she released the smoke from her lungs, her shoulders visibly settling as age squinted her eyes out at the sky, unfortunately, due to the bright lights from Los Angeles, no stars were shown except from a few very bright ones, fortunately, the moon was breathtaking enough, it was going through its crescent phase, and it was just beautiful.

Marcy sighed, leaning her elbows on the railing and resting her cheek in her palm, "So... pretty." she mumbled to herself.

"Not as pretty as you~" Marcy jumped, placing a hand on her chest and dropping her cigarette on the ground, "Jesus!" she yelped.

Sasha snickered as she walked up to her, Marcy sighed, "Sash, babe, I love you, but holy fuck, that was terrifying! next time don't scare me like that!"

Sasha laughed a bit more, placing her hands on Marcy's hips and pulling her close with a smile, "Is there any way I can make up for it?" she seductively whispered, pressing a soft kiss onto Marcy's lips, which the black haired girl accepted happily.

After a couple of seconds, they let go, Marcy had a similar smirk on her face to the blonde's, although it was much more smug, "How about you get me a new cigarette?" she teased, glancing down at the still burning blunt on the asphalt, smushing it with her house shoes before looking back at her girlfriend with a pout, "I barely even used that one."

Sasha glanced down at the smushed cigarette, then back at Marcy, her smokey-nicotine breath smelt... interesting, and... intriguing.

Sasha smiled a little, "Um... Mars?"

"Yes?" Marcy asked, tilting her head a bit, Sasha nervously played with her girlfriend's shirt as she asked, "Could I... try one of your cigarettes?"

Marcy blinked a couple of times before responding, "Uh... why?"

Sasha blushed a little and shrugged, "I um... I had a pretty stressful day at work, and I noticed how every time you smoke you get more relaxed so... could I?"

Marcy had a little bit of a surprised smile on her face, "Uhm... yeah, sure." she reached into her pocket pulling out the pack and lighter, "But we can just talk about it if you're so stressed, isn't that like, therapist's favorite thing to do?"

Sasha lightly chuckled, "Well, as a therapist I can say, talking isn't gonna fix my problems with dumb client parents who can't tell their divorce is hurting their child-" she cleared her throat a bit before sweetly grinning, "y'know, just therapist things."

Marcy raised an eyebrow, "That uh... kinda sounds like a similar situation to your childhood," she reached a her free hand up to Sasha's cheek, keeping the pack of cigarettes and lighter in her other hand as she gently rubbed the blonde's cheek, "you sure you don't wanna just talk about it?"

Sasha gave her girlfriend a smug, slightly annoyed smirk, "Mars."

Marcy chuckled a bit, "Yeah fine, here," the two stopped holding each other, Marcy used her thumb to pop open her pack, then tilted it towards Sasha.

Sasha grabbed one of them, putting it in between her index and middle fingers, the orange part facing away from her mouth, "There, light it for me?"

Marcy giggled a bit, "Sure, just one problem," she grabbed the cigarette and flipped it around so the orange part was facing towards her mouth, "there, the orange part is where you put your mouth, got it?" Sasha nodded.

Marcy brought the black lighter up to Sasha's cigarette, striking the igniter a couple times before the flame bursted into the air; she let the cigarette light before letting the flame go out, putting the lighter back in her pocket.

Sasha looked down at the blunt as Marcy took out a cigarette of her own, "So..." the blonde pondered, "How do I do this?"

Marcy put the pack into her pocket and brought her own non-lit cigarette up to Sasha's, "Well, you have to, of course, light it first," the flame from Sasha's lit Marcy's, Marcy brought the blunt to her lips, "Then,—since it's your first time—you are just going to breath it into your mouth, don't let it go down your throat."

Sasha nodded again, bringing the cigarette up to her lips and inhaling on it, but only for a split second before exhaling it, pointing the smoke away from her girlfriend's face as she did.

Marcy on the other hand, didn't bother to turn away, just blowing the smoke onto her girlfriend's face, Sasha held back a cough as she looked at Marcy shocked, her face flustered.

Marcy chuckled at her flushed face, "Alright, now just keep on doing that until you feel ready enough for it to go into your lungs."

Sasha furrowed her eyebrows, "How long did it take you?"

Marcy brought her cigarette back up to her mouth, "3 tries." she shortly explained before inhaling the smoke, Sasha doing the same.

As the two continued to smoke, Sasha pulled the blunt away, Marcy tapped her cigarette on top of Sasha's, making to ash fall off of it, "Almost forgot to tell you, you need to tap the ash off every once and a while."

Sasha let a smirk form on her face, "Good to know~" she mumbled before reaching her free hand down to Marcy's thigh, the two stared at each other for a moment before leaning in to kiss each other, the taste of smoke doubling in both of their mouths as their kisses deepened.

When they let go for air, Sasha brought the blunt up to her mouth again, "Now that I've tried smoking firsthand, the taste of it from you isn't that strong anymore."

Marcy reached her free hand up to Sasha's shoulder, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Sasha let the smoke fall onto Marcy's face as she answered, "Kind of a bad thing, that nicotine was always so exciting."

Marcy snorted, "Oh whatever Waybright, my kisses are more exciting than 'nicotine'."

Sasha tilted her head as she smirked against the black-haired woman's lips, "True." she mumbled before firmly kissing Marcy again, Marcy kissing back with just as much passion.

Almost immediately, Sasha pulled away, earning a whine from Marcy, the blonde just giggled before bringing the cigarette up to her lips once again, "Nicotine's still pretty fun though."

Marcy playfully rolled her eyes, "Oh whatever."

don't smoke kids 😰😰

Published :
October, 15th, 2022.

Word Count :

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