Kissing (Adult Sashanne)

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Sasha gasped against Anne's lips as the brunette pushed her into the small enclosed area, her hands firmly on Sasha's hips as she held her tight to her body and pushed her back with her hips.

Once the blonde's back hit the brick wall, she moved her own hands to Anne's jaw, holding it still as she tilted her own head, manually deepening their kiss.

Anne didn't know how it happened, but right then and there, she was tongue-deep in her former best friend's mouth, escaping the party they were at and hiding in an alone area so they could continue their intense make-out session.

Oh yeah, the party.

That's how this whole thing started.

Anne swirled the beer in her cup as she looked down at it disappointingly, she hated how it tasted, but she always got it anyways, it was one of the only alcohols she could handle and she didn't want to just not drink when all her friends were.

She winced before taking a sip, gagging a bit as it hit her tastebuds and ran down her throat, fighting the urge to spit it back in her cup and swallowing the brown liquid.

She gagged once again after she swallowed the beer, trying to get the leftover taste out of her mouth, unfortunately failing.

Just then, someone tapped her shoulder, Anne glanced back to see one of her new friends she made from college, Matthew.

"Hey Anne, you okay?" they asked, Anne immediately nodded, "Yeah! yeah... I just um, don't love beer."

Matthew tilted her head and smiled softly, "I'm sure there are other drinks if you want something else."

Anne shook her head, "No it's okay," she gave her friend a smile, "did you need something or just wanna chat?"

Matthews's soft smile turned into a bright one, "I wanted to tell you that some people are playing spin the bottle and I wanted to know if you wanted to join," they leaned into Anne's ear and whispered, "There are some really cute girls playing~!"

Anne snorted, "Hm... sure, why not,"

Matthew excitedly giggled, saying "Perfect!" before grabbing Anne's hand so she could follow them, the brunette complying.

Sure, it was a bit childish playing 'spin the bottle' when they were sophomores in college playing a game for middle schoolers, but hey, if Anne could have an excuse to kiss a hot girl, she'd take it.

When they got to the large group sitting in a circle on the floor, Matthew waved to everyone, no one really paid attention though, except for someone with a high blonde ponytail, who sweetly waved back, making Matthew blush a bit.

Anne waved just like her friend, quickly glancing at all the girls in the circle—except the girl Matthew was clearly interested in—and avoiding the men.

She wasn't that nervous until she realized there was someone she knew in the circle from a long time ago,

an old friend, well, old best friend,

Sasha Waybright.

Anne anxiously cleared her throat before sitting down with Matthew, glancing at the familiar blonde almost every second; she was laughing with some people around her, which Anne couldn't tell if they were her usual friends or not, Sasha always had a way of drawing people towards her, who knows, she could hate those people next to her, yet they still love her.

'That laugh... still so adorable...' Anne thought for a moment before a blush painted her cheeks due to said thinking. She looked down at her hands to avoid eye contact with everyone in the circle.

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