Scaredy-Cats (Sashannarcy Halloween Special!)

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Marcy peeked out the car window as Anne's parents drove, she felt shivers go down her spine as she saw the sign promoting a Haunted House, the Haunted House they were going to.

Marcy leaned back onto Sasha,—who was sitting in the middle of her and Anne—she cuddled up into Sasha's arm, "Are you sure we need to go to this Haunted House?"

Sasha looked down at Marcy, letting an understanding smile form on her face as she saw how scared her girlfriend was. Sasha put her arm over the black-haired girl, holding her tight, "Don't be scared Marbles, it'll be fun!"

Anne poked her head out from behind Sasha, "Plus, you're Marco Diaz right now! just like... karate at them."

The three laughed, although Marcy stopped laughing before her girlfriends did, she took a deep breath in before releasing it, holding out her hands, one for Anne to hold, the other for Sasha.

When they did as she wanted and held Marcy's hands, Marcy brought them to her cheeks, making her girlfriends hold her cheeks as she pouted, "You two will hold my hands the whole time, right? you won't let the people scare me too much?"

Sasha and Anne smiled sweetly, the brunette began gently caressing Marcy's cheek with her thumb, "Of course Mar-Mar, don't worry, we'll protect you."

"Lucky for you, you have two buff girlfriends~" Sasha said as she held her arm to flex her muscles, which you could see quite well due to her 'Tom Lucitor' t-shirt—which was a dusty red colored ripped tee, with a bright red star in the middle in front of a maroon circle.

Marcy snorted, she grabbed Sasha's arm and in an obviously satire tone said "Oh yes indeed~!" while she rubbed her face on the blonde's strong arm.

Anne bursted out into laughter at the fact that Marcy just rubbed her face on Sasha's muscles, and that Sasha actually got flustered from the action!

Anne leaned in close to Sasha's face, putting her elbows on Sasha's arm as she rested her head in her hands, her face inches away from the blonde's as she whispered in a flirty tone, "What's wrong Waybright? cat got your tongue?"

Sasha's face went red as she whispered back very quietly, "You aren't a cat, are you?"

Anne's face went bright pink, the hearts painted on her cheeks blending in with her new skin tone. Marcy furrowed her eyebrows, "What? what did she say?"

Anne got off Sasha and lightly punched her arm, "Sasha Elizabeth Waybright!" she whisper-yelled back, loud enough for Marcy and Sasha to hear, but hopefully not the drivers, "my parents are in this car!!"

Unfortunately, it seemed she didn't whisper quiet enough, because her mother said shortly after "What are you three whispering about? nothing inappropriate I hope." and she adjusted her rear-view mirror to see the three.

Sasha's back immediately straightened, a nervous smile on her face as she answered, "No ma'am!"

Mr. Boonchuy chuckled as his wife parked into the Haunted House's parking lot, "Good; you are reaching that age y'know, hugging, kissing, experimenting-"

"OKAY THANKS DAD, BYE LOVE YOU TWO!" Anne practically screamed as she grabbed both of her girlfriends, tugging them out of the car, almost falling back onto the grass as she scrambled away as fast as she could.

Once they escaped the awkwardness that was her parents talking about her 'experimenting' with her girlfriends to her and said girlfriends, Anne let out a sigh of relief, "Oh boy that was awkward..." she said as the three walked towards the ticket booth.

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