{ A new feeling to you }

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Mitsuris POV

As I got up from my bed, I almost forgot that today is a shopping day since I will run out of food and drinks soon. "Okay, I need to go get ready for today. I pretty happy to get a day off from work to be honest.." I say to myself as I get up and walk to the bathroom to get ready. After I got ready, and put my hair in braids I begin to pick out an outfit to wear. "Hm.. Maybe this white shirt, jeans, and normal shoes? Yeah it's whatever I will get more clothes soon anyways heh." Not long after I ate my breakfast and did the dishes I went out to shop for all the food I need to last me a while. "Awh, this outfit looks cute! I shouldn't get it though, not yet.." I scroll on my phone for a bit while walking to the new store that is already famous after just days of it being open! "Oh, the store I am heading to has a rating, right? I should look at it to make sure it isn't a cheap boring store.. Because some people lie about things." [Rating] - [4.5 Stars] "Oh wow! Almost five stars! That's amazing, I hope this store is the best one in the city, glad I live close to it." 

"Hm, okay so I need bacon and eggs first." I read the list I had wrote down on paper while I ate breakfast this morning. I walked one way with my shopping cart. "No.. No.. Yes! This is the right bacon, now eggs.. They can't be that far from here." I looked around for a while and still didn't find the eggs, I got worried. "Oh no.. I really need those.." I got all sweaty and nervous about this. "Ah! Oh gosh, I am so sorry!" 'Huh? I voice..' It wasn't someone I knew from work.. It wasn't a male, but it sounded like a girl that hit me while she ran from something. "No no, it's ok.. That did hurt though.." I say as I got up from the floor. The girl I looked at was short, with black to purple hair. She wore a sweater with a skirt, I couldn't see what it looked like since I hit my head pretty hard. "I hope you can find a way to forgive me!" She says with a scared look on her face. "Huh, are you okay though? You seem scared about something.." I ask her, rubbing my head from pain. "Yes, yes! I am scared.. Some creepy boys are chasing me around, I can't get them to go away.." 'I feel bad for this girl.. I should help her out, but how would I help her?' I thought until I felt her get behind me to hide from  something. "Hm? Are you okay?" It looked like she was about to cry. She pointed in front of me. "Him.. He is the one chasing me, but there were others too." She says to me. "Oh.. well come on!" I pick her up, and I start to run/walk out of the store. "Eh? Hey, put me down!" She looks at me. "Sorry, forgive me. But how else can I help?" I say with a calming tone in my voice. "Oh, yeah.. Right sorry." 

We both walked along the road, getting away from the creepy boys. "Yeah, so that's it.. Oh have we told each other our names yet? If not call me Shinobu." 'What a lovely name for her.' I thought. "You can call me Mitsuri! I love your name." I say with a smile on my face. "Uh, sorry Mitsuri.. But my house is this way. She points across the road. "Oh.. well bye Shinobu.." I say in sad way. "Uhm, but I can stay with you!" She says to me while holding both of my hands in hers. "Oh! Really? I'm so glad Shinobu!!" I say hugging her while lifting her up a few inches off the ground. "Yep me too! But Mitsuri you are hugging me a bit too tight.." She says with a red face. "Oh my! Forgive me!" I say worried putting her down, back onto her feet.  "It's alright, no need to worry. Lets go to your house now."  

Shinobus POV 

We got to Mitsuris house, and her house is very big for only one person living in it. "And here is my house!" She says in a joyful tone towards me. "It's big for only you living in it, Mitsuri.." I say to her while looking at the house. "Oh, well it's ok! Come on in." She showed me her whole house, the rooms, living room, bathroom, backyard, garden, dinning room, and her kitchen. "Last but of course not the least, my room!" She says with a big smile on her face. "How lovely Mitsuri! You sure do like pink and green huh?" I say to her while looking around the room. "Mhm! My hair color was always like this, and I guess it made me like the colors pink and green." She has a beautiful house, as for me.. Mine is a bit messy in the rooms. I set down my stuff, sitting on her bed. "Oh wow, your bed is very soft." I tell her. "Mhm! It's a very soft bed, since I can't sleep well sometimes I got this one so I can sleep better!" She informs me about it. 'I forgot I had a phone to be honest.. I am always on my phone after I shop or work. Maybe I did have fun hanging out with Mitsuri..' I think while Mitsuris walks down to the kitchen. After a good 30 minutes dinner is ready. "Dinner Shinobu, come down and eat!" Mitsuri calls out to me. "Coming, give me a second!" I got done drawing on paper, I drew a butterfly and cats. We both ate dinner and we talked a bit more. 

A while later.. (Still Shinobus POV ) 

I looked outside the window that lets the sun shine in her living room during they day. "Oh gosh! It's already late!" I say rushing up to Mitsuris room to tell her I have to go. "Yes Shino-" " I have to go Mitsuri, it's super late!" i say rushing around grabbing my things I left in her room. " Wait!" She says worried. "Yes Mitsuri? Something wrong?" "You can stay for tonight.. It's really late about 12 a.m y'know." Mitsuri tells me. 'Oh yeah.. I forgot how late it is.. I mean I can stay and just tell my sisters I will be at her house for tonight..' I thought to myself. "Give me a second.." I say pulling out my phone. [Kocho Sisters chat] - [Middle sister (Shinobu) "Kanae, I will be at my friends house for tonight, our house is like just across the road. So if I don't come home, this is why."] -[Sent!] Me and Mitsuri wait for just a minute or two. [Older sister <3 (Kanae) " Alright! If something bad happens just tell me and Kanao right away! Good night!"] I put my phone back in my pocket saying, "I can stay a night, Mitsuri." Mitsuri looked at me she went from a sad face to a face you make when you get a new puppy. As for me I hate any fluffy animal.. "Really!! I'm so happy Shinobu!! I'm so happy!" She says running over to me, and hugging me. "Yes yes, me too. I'm very happy!" I say back to her. 

We both got ready for bed. "Okay, so Mitsuri.. Where do I sleep?" I ask worried about it for no reason. "Uh, you can sleep on.. My bed!" She tells me, pointing to her bed. "Oh, well.. Where will you sleep then?" I ask her. "On my bed?" She says to me, once again pointing to her bed, while tilting her head to me. "WAIT SO YOU AND I SLEEP ON THE SAME BED?!" I yell to her with a blushing face somewhat mad. "Uh, yes. You sleep on one side, I sleep on the other." She says with a smile. I mean who wants to sleep on the cold wooden floor? Not me, that's for sure. We both climb onto the bed, I lay down by the wall, and she is on the other side of the bed. We both fell asleep. I opened my eyes, I'm not sure what time it is.. But I know it's really early in the morning. I sat up and I was about to rub my eyes to get up out of bed. I was pulled back down to the bed, while Mitsuri said, "It's way to early, go back to sleep butterfly." The she goes back to sleep. 'BUTTERFLY?!' I thought, blushing at the fact she called me a butterfly! I knew it was early so I went back to sleep beside her acting like she said nothing.. But I was still sweaty and blushing about her calling me a butterfly in my sleep. 


And that's the end! I hope you liked my first post about KNY so yeahhh also please tell me if i did something wrong! More chapters will be out at one point so if you want more please don't rush me. Thank you!! -Toki

Word count; 1566

{KNY} May we go get some Sakura Mochi? { A Shinobu x Mitsuri story}Where stories live. Discover now