{ I can talk once more! }

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Mitsuri's POV 

Me and Kanae talked for a while, watching the little ones play with each other. "Oh, forgive me Kanae.. But I have to go now, hope we can talk again!" I tell her, getting up ad walking away. "Alright, good bye!" She says back to me. 'Shinobu must want to go on a walk again, right? If not, I can just hang out with her.' I thought as I walked to the hospital. "Hello, may I see someone named Shinobu Kocho?" I ask the person at the front desk. "Shinobu Kocho.. Yes, you may go see her." She tells me, waving good bye. "Thank you!" I say. 

"Shinobu, it's Mitsuri!" I say as I walk into her room. "Hello, Mitsuri. How are you today?" A calming voice said to me. "Shinobu, is that you?" I look up, to see her standing facing the door way. She nods to me, "Yes, it is Shinobu. Did you forget?" She said, laughing a little while she replied. I think this is one of the few times I have ever been this happy being with her. I was about to hug her until she said.. "May you wait a moment, I need to change." I was wide eyed, and slowly walked out. ' DUMB ME WHY WOULD I DO THAT? DAMN IT DAMN IT!!' I was blushing, embarrassed about what I just did. "You may come in now Mitsuri!" She said. 

" I AM REALLY SORRY ABOUT THAT, FORGIVE ME I BEG YOU SHINOBU!" I yelled to her as soon as I walked in. "Mitsuri, calm down you didn't know about it, so it's not your fault." She said worried. "So, you'll forgive me?" I asked her, smiling glad she wasn't mad about it. "Yes, I forgive you. But next time, knock on the door alright?" She says to me, somewhat mad. I nodded to her, sitting down on her bed. "Would you like to go on a walk, MItsuri? I think it's a good idea since I can walk better and talk now." She says, putting down some clothes. 

"Sure, you read my mind Shinobu!" I say back, getting up. 

"Hey, may me and Mitsuri head out for a while? I promise that we will be back." Shinobu says to one of the front desk people. I really hope she can be out of her soon, she still has some scars and cuts from what happened. "Yes, you may go outside for a while. Please be back by at least, 8:30 p.m." They said to us, typing on a computer. "We will, well cya for now!" Shinobu says to her, walking away with me. "Where to, Mitsuri?" She asks me, smiling. "Anywhere is fine for me, Shinobu!" I say back to her. 

'For some reason, this feels like we have switched places in a way if you think hard about it..' I thought to myself. 

"Hm.. Park, we can go there for today if you would like." Shinobu asked me, still walking. I thought about it for a second. 'She will be able to see her sisters if we go, right? Why not.' I smiled, thinking Kanae would be really, really glad her sister is ok. "Sure, why not Shinobu! I exclaimed to her. We walk there, talking about anything we could think of. "And here it is!" I said, she forgot where it was due to what happened, she did hit her head hard on the ground. 

"Oh, Mitsuri you're back! Eh, Shinobu, you're okay!" Kanae said, running up to us smiling, happy to see her sister up and walking. "Kanae, I can talk and walk again! How amazing is that?" Shinobu said. "Sis, it's you right?" A small voice said behind Kanae. "Kanao, yes it's me, Shinobu. You didn't forget me did you?" She said smiling at her younger sister. I felt very happy, knowing everyone could be happy once more. 'How lovely, all three together again!' 

Shinobu's POV 

After hanging out all day with everyone, we went home. I was somewhat sad Mitsuri had to leave, she was the one who brought me to the park to see my sisters in the first place. Hopefully I can get out of the hospital soon, I have been in there longer then you think. "Hey, I thought you had to go soon, did you not mean it?" Kanae asked me carrying Kanao since she was tired. "Uhm, I forgot.. Seems like we will find out soon becuase if I did mean it, I would get a call I think to go back." I said confused if I meant it or not. We walked back home to get dinner and go to bed. "Alright, I hope you didn't mean it, I don't want to get into trouble Shinobu." She told me while glaring at me while we walked. "Me too, I don't want you in trouble." I said back trying to act like I didn't see her glaring at me. 

We got back home, ate dinner and went to bed. It felt nice being back home with my sisters, I was glad to be with them. I sat in my bed, wondering what I will do now that I can get out of the hospital. I was bored, I did a ton of things at the park, and  there was nothing to do anymore. 'Nothing, that won't be fun either.. Gosh this city town thing is small so now there is nothing to do at the moment!' I thought. I felt tired after thinking so much, so I laid down and tried to sleep for tonight. 


Sorry for the late post, I hope you don't mind. I have been watching and reading new shows since I couldn't figure out what to do for this story, if you have anything I could maybe do for this, please tell me! Anyways, I hate to say this.. But I have gotten bored and forgetful of this story over time, I might stop posting for this story.. I am glad I have gotten a nice amount of reads on this though, so thank you for that! Well, that's it for now.. I hope I can make another story or another part to this if I have and idea, as always have a wonderful day or night! -Toki 

Word count: 1056 

{KNY} May we go get some Sakura Mochi? { A Shinobu x Mitsuri story}Where stories live. Discover now