{ Coffee Date! }

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(This story will be in third person!)  

As Shinobu and Mitsuri made their way to the shop they talked about everything they found cute around them. 

"Oh! I took this cute picture of Nox, how do you like it Shinobu?" Mitsuri asked, showing her phone to the other girl beside her. "It looks adorable, I bet people would love to see that online." Said Shinobu, smiling on how cute the picture was. 

After talking and showing each other photos of animals and other cute things, they made it at the place of their first date together. 

It was a big place with many workers, and tons of people. 'Toffees' Shop. Huh, pretty nice place!' Shinobu thought to herself. 

As both walked in they asked for a table for two. It didn't take long until they were seated. There was a candle and pretty flowers on the table they were at. A window of the shops that were in front of this one were right outside. 

Shinobu wanted an Iced Coffee while Mitsuri got an Affogato for her drink. They just chose the good looking ones to be honest. 

"So, Shinobu.. How do like this so far? I think it's pretty nice." Mitsuri said looking out the window watching the people walk by. "I think it's perfect, nothing could be better then this." Shinobu was telling Kanae she was with Mitsuri so she wouldn't worry about her. 

Both drinks came back as the waiter asked if they wanted any food. "Would you two care for and food? We have a big menu so you may take your time." The waiter said. 

Both girls agreed on one thing, a coffee cake. 

"Alright! That will be out in around 30 minutes. Thank you for your order young ladies." The waiter smiled and walked away with her note pad. 

"That waiter was nice, don't you think so Mitsuri?" Shinobu asked with a smile. "Yes, yes she was!" Mitsuri replied back, taking a sip of her drink. 

Once again, they talked the whole time about Nox, their friends, sisters, and adorable clothes they wanted from online. 

"Here is your very special coffee cake for you two! I hope you enjoy it." Said the worker, she placed down the cake and two plates and two forks. 

"At least we will have left-overs with this big of a cake!" Said Mitsuri already taking her slice of the cake. "You're right." Shinobu said taking one last sip of her drink. 


With Nox.. 

'I'm all by myself, and that means I am the ruler of this place!' Nox said in her mind. Nox got very bored and lonely without anyone, but hated to admit it. 

Nox had her own cat tree and fortress in most of the rooms. 

They cat yawned and walked to her food dish to see if there is anything left to eat. 'Nothing? Great guess I'll wait until those peasants come and do the work for me.' Nox didn't like waiting for anyone, even the girls who helped her. 

Nox needed her sleep, toys, food and water, playtime, time outside, pets and love, not alone time, and sunsets. Cats needed everything and anything in the whole world. 

'I will wait until I get what I need. No matter how long it takes!' Nox thought, pawing a toy in front of her. 

Nox played and played and played the day away. The girls have been gone for about 4 hours or so, and Nox was about to break everything in sight.. Until she heard the door nob twist. 

'Food! Yes, finally!!!!!' She ran as fast as her fluffy legs could to the front door. She jumped around on the kitchen counters, living room chairs, everything. It has been a long time since she was this excited for something other then her cat friends. 

"We are back, Nox! Did you miss us?" Mitsuri asked, petting Nox while having the biggest smile ever. 'I did miss you! Wait, no, I missed the food!' Nox looked to her food bowl right away. 

"She wants food." Shinobu said, seems like she new how to talk cat. 'Correct! Food you peasants!' Nox mowed to the two, showing how hungry she is. 

Mitsuri and Shinobu re-filled both of the food and water dishes, Nox was happy again. "Seems like she wanted a lot of food, huh?" Shinobu said, laughing about how cute Nox looked when she ate. 

"Well, now that she is fed and watered, lets get some food for us!" Mitsuri exclaimed pulling Shinobus' hand to the kitchen. 

They made the most wonderful they could and ate it all, and Nox also ate a little bit. "That was good, we are pretty good cooks huh?" Shinobu said rinsing off a plate from dinner in the sink. 

"Yes, it was very good! I hope we can make something even better next time!" Mitsuri said, putting away the jug of milk. Both girls always pick who does what after they eat together, this time Shinobu washed all the dishes and Mitsuri picked up everything and put it away. 

It was a normal thing to the both of them, and Nox never understood why they chose the way they do after dinner, lunch and breakfast from the few days she has been there. 

'Odd, odd and dumb. Why would you pick anyways? You should just do the small tasks together, for me. No need to whine about who puts bubbles on shiny things anyway! You could also just pick up after yourself, once again, for me and me only.' Nox rolled her eyes at the two.

'I guess I'll never understand how someone can be so stupid! Well, how they both can be stupid.' Maybe one day Nox will understand the strange behavior of a two lousy humans. It was too much for her. 

After an hour Nox got tired of watching them talk and talk and talk. 'Talking my ears off, shush for once, please!' Nox just couldn't sleep, she wasn't having a good day at all! 

Some days just aren't meant for some people or animals. No one wanted those types of days when you are Nox. 

'Stupid, dumb, stupid humans.' 


 And done! 

I really hope you all enjoyed this, I wanted to make Nox have a big part in this. What are your thoughts on this chapter, and Noxs' feelings? 

Word Count: 1063 

Make sure to drink at least a bottle of water or more, but not too much, you might get sick! 

-Tokii <3 

{KNY} May we go get some Sakura Mochi? { A Shinobu x Mitsuri story}Where stories live. Discover now