{You will be okay }

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Mitsuri's POV 

I waited and waited for them to let me see Shinobu. She got hit by a very fast car, I don't know why the driver was going that fast. I think I waited for about an hour, maybe two. I could hear a ton of noises, like beeping, yelling, talking and my breathing. I'm not sure if Shinobu will be okay after that, since I haven't got anything about her yet. 'What if she dies, I will have nobody again! She has to live, she will wake up and she will be okay. I know she will!' I felt dizzy for thinking so hard about Shinobu not waking up, or if she will. 

"Hello there, you are Mitsuri right?" A girl spoke to me, she sounded calm but worried. "Yes, I am Mitsuri. Need something?" I ask, I tried to sound calm like nothing made me worried. I look up to see someone I have met before. "I am Kanae, if you remember somehow I talked to you at your work before. Have you heard anything about my sister?" She sounded more and more stressed every time she spoke a word to me about Shinobu. "Yes, we have met. But, I have not heard anything about her." I inform her. She sat down next to me. She had a small girl, she looked alike. Maybe sisters? 

"Greetings, you may be wondering about the young girl named Shinou, correct?" Someone asked us both, we both sighed, glad that they are going to know if she will be okay. "Yes, we both are. May we see her now?" Kanae said. 'Please be okay, please! If you die, I will die myself.' I was nervous and sweating waiting for the answer. "You may see her. She will be just fine, but don't be loud and let her rest if she asks too. You can stay here until 10 pm if you wish." We both jump up, walking or running maybe to her room. We open the door, to see Shinobu laying down on her bed. There were two seats, I'm guessing that saw the both of us and not just me out there. 

She wore a long shirt, it was blue with dots on it. She also had shorts, same thing blue with dots. Her heartbeat was normal, a little faster then normal I guess. The room was light, we both sat down on the chairs, by the left side of her bed. The little girl sat on Kanaes lap. A big window was behind us, it had curtains on the sides, letting the light shine through. There was not many noises the few were, breathing, wind, beeping, and walking on the other side of the door. There was a sweet smell it was the flowers sitting in a vase on her stand. Everything was calm, nothing to make me or Kanae sad anymore, well for the time being. 

Us both stayed there, talking at points. It was almost time for us to leave, although we didn't want to leave Shinobu behind. We ate there, so I didn't need to cook anything for tonight. "Sorry for coming in with out saying. But it is about time for you three to leave. It's 9:50 pm. Before you go, please pack up your things. Thank you, you may come back in the morning at 8am." One of the nurses told us. We both packed up our things, and stacked our dishes on the tray left for us. "This is good bye for now Kanae, hope we meet again!" I tell her, smiling while we walk our ways back to the houses we live in. 

I get back home, sitting down at my desk. It had a computer, paper, pens, pencils, and a whole gaming set up I guess you can call it that. I had got a cat not long after Shinobu went back to her house after my work day. I have work in the morning, I wondered if I should say something about me not wanting to go. And Muichiro is better already, so I guess I could? I got on my computer, about to play my game or watch my show. My pet cat jumped up onto my desk, she looked amazing. She had pretty white fur, with black and gray on her like spots I added a bow or two on her. Her name is Spots, something simple and easy to remember. We both watched a long movie, and a few small shows. "Alright, Spots I have to go to sleep now. It's late, want to head to sleep with me?" I ask her, knowing she can't talk back to me. 

With no reply back, I just lay down on my own bed, ready to go to sleep. Spots also went to her own cat tree, she sleeps in it a lot during the day no so much for the night. I laid in bed, thinking about something. It kept me up, this never happens. I tried and tried to go to sleep, yet I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I felt lost for some reason, like I was stuck no where to move. It was hot in my room, so I took of some of my heavy blankets, once again trying to sleep. I felt, better but cold now. I knew it, no way out of this I would just have to wait forever. I knew a way to fall asleep my mother told me this before, if I try to sleep without thinking or moving I will fall asleep faster. It sounds dumb to most, but it works! So I did it, I fell asleep after so long. 

I woke up to a lot on purring from Spots this morning. "Spots? Good morning to you, let me see what time it is right now." She was heavy to be honest, but she is a fluffy or big cat. "Hm.. It's about 9am, so I can head to Shinobu. But I should head to work today.. I mean I have no reason not too." I took me not long to get ready I wore something simple for today. A sweat shirt, and some sweat pants I didn't know what I wanted to do for today. I thought it would be best if I took a day off, I have worked non-stop and I have been outside all month, I felt I should take it easy today. I sat down at my desk, with a plate of food I have already made. 

"Hm, nothing much on here.. Maybe on this app? This one is really popular now, not to mention I need to post for some easy money." I said to myself, I was glad I could take the day off. Obanai let it slide for now, maybe even for a few work days! I posted some cute cat photos I have, I know it's dumb but it's adorable! "That should do for a day maybe two." I then got my papers from work, and from other apps I post on for some easy money. "Okay so, I need all of these. And then I can be done with this for a while." I told myself, even though I didn't need to. I ate my food, and finished all of the work I needed to get done. I got on my game and played for a while. 

After a long day of just being inside, and doing some plain but fun things all day long. I wanted to go outside for a bit, not long maybe an hour or less? I walked to my window and opened it, it had a floor so I could sit out side, without leaving my house I guess you could say. I sat out there on a chair I have set there whenever I wanted to be here. It was calming, nothing to bother me. The fence was small so I could see all outside, it was sunny and warm. I felt at peace, I smiled at the fact I was out here. I don't sit out here much due to it being windy or cold most days. Now that it is almost summer, school will end, it will be hot, and the pool will open for all days of summer. Summer is my favorite, many things to do, nothing to make you cold, and see all of your friends. 

I went back inside, and began to make dinner for me. I have got updated about Shinobu, she will maybe wake up in a few days, I didn't see her in person. But Kanae and I gave each other our phone numbers, and showed me Shinobu laying down. It was nice knowing she will be okay made me feel at ease. I gave Spots her food, and I started to eat mine. The dinner I made was nothing cool, in fact it was boring. I laid down in my bed after I ate, Spots did the same as me. And I fell asleep, this time it was easy to sleep. Nothing could bother me anymore. 


And that is it for today! Please, forgive me for posting a short chapter last time! I did try my best to find bigger and better words to say feelings and how Mitsuri felt I guess. I don't know if I will post another big chapter like this next time. Or even a chapter, but I will try to find a way to post! Anyways, I hope whoever sees this has a wonderful day or night! -Toki 

Word count: 1605 

{KNY} May we go get some Sakura Mochi? { A Shinobu x Mitsuri story}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora