{ Girlfriends? }

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Shinobu's POV 

I woke up to a warm but windy day, I could hear the wind blowing the tree branches. I yawned, and stood up to go eat breakfast, Kanae makes in for me and Kanao everyday. "Morning, Kanae. What time is it?" I ask her, walking and sitting down on a chair. "Around 6:00 am, I just started making food for all three of us." She said to me, pouring cups of water. "Here, drink this for now. Oh, and wake up Kanao soon. She needs to start heading to bed before 1:00 am." Kanae told me, Kanao has been staying up later then she used too. "Alright, I will be back." I said to her, standing and walking away. 

"Kanao.. Wake up, it's morning y'know.." I told Kanao, through the door that leads to her room. "Okay, okay. I'm up, you can leave." She replied back to me, I could hear her standing up off of her chair at her desk. I walked back to Kanae, sitting down once more. "I woke her up like you said, but what are we having for today?" I asked her, taking a drink of my water. "Thank you for waking up Kanao, and we are having toast. Maybe with something else.." Kanae said to me, getting plates for all of us. "I have no idea for what we should have with the toast. I would ask you, but you don't know." I said to her, thinking of anything that would taste good with it. 

After we all ate, I went back into my room thinking of something to cure my boredom. 'Maybe a game? No.. A board game! No, that's lame right now.. ' I thought, there was nothing to do.. It was also blazing hot outside, and we can't go to the pool since Kanae is busy.. "Wow, the one day I'm home there is nothing.. Just my luck, huh?" I talked to myself, I had a computer on a desk not to far from my bed. "Maybe I could play an online game?" I said once more, getting up and walking to the desk. 

Later that day.. Shinobu's POV 

After a while of being on the computer all day long. I soon got bored of it and tried to find something else, worth my time. 'Now what? I watched so many shows.. Oh! Here's one, let's see how it is.' I thought. 

I watched the whole movie, it was great. I came out my room and I got told, "Someone is here to see you, Shinobu! Don't keep them waiting forever like you do." Of course I didn't know who it was at the time. I head to the front door and saw.. "Hey, Shinobu! How are you today?" A lovely, pink and green haired girl, with a beautiful outfit on, and she looked like a Sakura tree. Mitsuri. That's her name, Mitsuri came to see me after so long. 

Wasn't even that long, I was just stunned I guess. I mean, you would if you were me, right?? Anyways, back on track. 

"Mitsuri! What are you doing here?!" I ask, walking up to her. She smiled, and sat down and I did the same. "I came here to see you. Duh, don't tell me you're dumb now?" She said, looking in her bag she always had with her where ever she went. "What's in there you're looking for?" I say back, peeking into her bag. "Something I got for you.. Wait, here it is! Close your eyes." She told me, and I did. 

"Here you are.. Wait! Don't open your eyes yet.." She said once more, looking around. "Tell me already, I'll die from waiting any longer." I say, wanting to open my eyes, but didn't want to ruin the thing she wanted me to see. 

"3.. 2.. and 1! Open your eyes!" 

I opened my eyes to see, and lovely card with hearts made by Mitsuri. It said, 'To Shinobu Kocho. We have known each other for a while now, and we have became friends overtime. Ever since we met at the store, I had a feeling for you I didn't know well. I have learned this feeling is easy to get in some cases. Anyways, I had wanted to say this for a while now.. Shinobu Kocho, will you be my girlfriend?' 

(They have known each other longer then you think so idk)

I didn't know what to say to Mitsuri, so all I did was nod my head. To be honest, I think I blushed a little for a minute, I bet everyone would, right? "Yes? Yes! Yay, Shinbu!!!" She exclaimed to me, hugging me as hard as she could. "Mitsuri, you're killing me!" I said, not being able to breath. "Sorry! I'm just so glad that you said yes!" She told me, then something we didn't want happened.. 

"You have a girlfriend, Shinobu?" Both Kanae and Kanao said peeking behind a wall. 'I'm so dead..' Is what I thought. I stood up, made Mitsuri stand, and ran out the door. "Wait, where are you two going?!" Kanae yelled at us from the open front door. "Running away for now! I'll come back!!" I replied to her, not stopping. 


And that should be it for now! Yes, this took a while to come up with.. Sorry about taking a long break I have softball and school going on so I'm kind of busy right now. I hope to post more every now and then. But, thank you all for voting on this and reading it! It makes me very happy, I come on here everyday to see how much votes and views I have on this story. I hope you all look forward to more chapters soon! -Toki! 

Word Count: 966 

{KNY} May we go get some Sakura Mochi? { A Shinobu x Mitsuri story}Where stories live. Discover now