my condolences for our child stars

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There is something so fascinating about the way glass shatters. Like even though we know something beautiful is now broken, the sound it makes, the way it scatters across the floor into a million little pieces, the light reflecting off each of the tiny shards, makes watching it shatter so satisfying.  Likewise society enjoys watching good people have enough, innocent people mess up, strong people break down because it's interesting, something to talk about. I think that people just enjoy watching others break down, seeing beautiful things be destroyed. It's satisfying to know that they were not as perfect as they seemed, that you were right, that not even she could keep it all together. It validates ourselves in a way to know that a person can only be so pure, so kind, so gentle, so patient , for so long before something breaks them. And that's the sad thing about society, is that we love admiring glass, but we love it more when it shatters.
-  my condolences for our child stars

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