Conspieracy theorys

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Everyone seems to have a different take on life. What life is, if it's even real. And if there is a life at all what comes after?

Some people belive life is a simulation in which we have no control, our characters just interact with one another going about our meanness mundane activities as we ebb and flow.

Others belive we live multiple lives in which we die only to live once more in a different body that doesn't quite feel like home.

Some people belive in heaven. A place that makes the pain of earth make sence.

Some people belive life is all a dream. That we exist in our sleep only to confuse our everyday reality with rest.

The craziest believe that we may be the only person alive at all. A soul floating in white space in which we create our own reality.

The most optimistic seem to belive in dimensions. A portal where time moves forward or backwards or diagonal. A path for every decision we did or didn't make.

I'm not sure what I believe but I imagine that regardless of such you were there, because I noticed you with too much familiarity and you greeted me with too much ease.

If life is a simulation, I'm thankful you were part of the pattern even if I never get to see you unload your grocery's.

If life is a dream then I'll sleep in a little later on the nights you come to visit me.

If life is a hallucination, my mind is much more beautiful than I could have known.

If there is a heaven then I do not have to try so hard to convince my friends that you were an angel.

If there are multiple lives, then I guess that is the best case scenario as I get to fall in love with you all over again.

And if there is a dimension that goes forward and backwards and all which way, maybe in one more diagonal then ours we have more time, maybe we don't mess it up, maybe you look back, maybe I don't say things that hurt you. Maybe just maybe I say I love you and it doesn't scare me so much, maybe I rest my head in your lap and you whisper it back.

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