sometime soon

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I think sometimes we don't truly realize how much we love something until we know what it is like to live without it. Until we realize that not everything is guaranteed. That nothing lasts forever like we once thought it would. The most beautiful things in life are those that we do not notice until they're gone.  I can't wait until the day everything goes back to how it once was. Before isolation, before sickness, before the world learned what it was like to live in fear. Now I sit here as I write anticipating the day the parts of my life fit back together like pieces of a puzzle. I can't wait for the day that I wake up in the morning and hear that the sickness is over and we can go back to what feels "normal". I will remember what it is like to sip my latte as the smell of coffee fills my senses and the gentle chatter of a cafe reminds me the world is okay again. I will hug my friends again. I will wake up at 6:00am and walk to the bus stop as I listen to music. I will sit down in my classes excited to learn. I will wish everyone good morning and ask them how they are doing the same way I always do. And it will feel as if there was never a time when life was not as it is. But there was. And I will look back and smile at how far I've come. I will remember how I picked myself up everytime I fell down, how I promised myself to keep going, how I let my tears water the soil where I planted my seeds, and how the universe taught me to care for myself. I will have grown so much and come so far. And in  the darkness I will have realized that that is where true beauty lies. For the most beautiful stained glass windows are made from broken shards. It is not until you witness what it is like to live in darkness that you know just how beautiful the world really is. For one would think you could always be satisfied with the sun until it sets and you realize, darkness brings a million little stars.

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