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The Goth came into Hamburg just before spring, the weather cool and somewhat windy in the northern parts of Germany. The area was peaceful, free of immediate threat and panic. The tribe found a place to stay amid the western suburbs which were dotted with planned and natural streams, lakes, and woods. John called for a day of rest and saw the rest of the tribe off to the city before he would leave.

      Claudia approached him outside, where she had taken some things to the jeep. "I think it would be best if Alaric and I both went with Merideth," she said, "Will you be all right alone, or shall I ask Merideth to have you along?"

      John would rather Claudia travel with him, but he understood Merideth had been unwell and suspected she might be pregnant, if nothing worse explained her symptoms. It was fairly necessary to have both her lover and her best female friend to support her. "I will be fine. Go on, I'll saddle Darkling and ride."

      Claudia nodded. John watched as she removed the delicate, thorned, silver circlet from her head and placed it carefully in her bag.

      John saw them off in their jeep, then quickly brushed down Darkling and saw he was well shod, before fastening the black leather riding saddle. John mounted the young black stallion and rode through the parkland onto the street.

      Just outside the busy downtown area, along one of the canals, was another park where a fair was being held. John dismounted and walked Darkling, heading into the fair tents. Clear from the wares and shouting venders, this was a historical fair celebrating olden times. Men, women, and children in modern clothes walked alongside fully-armored knights, or ladies in costume gowns. There were entertainers in belled hats juggling, sword swallowers, and other sideshow acts. Wearing clothing Joy had given him - long suede cloak, gray woolen doublet trimmed in black leather, poet-style white shirt, graying black hemp pants, black riding boots - John must have seemed to fit in with the costumes volunteers or visitors. And then, he remembered he wore a crown. It felt almost a part of him now.

      Had any others of his tribe passed by and decided to visit this place? It seemed the perfect area to discover lost tribe members. John reached to the small purse hung from his belt where he kept necessary small things, ID, pocketknife, compass, several small found trinkets, and introduction cards Sascha and Claudia had both worked in making. John transferred a stack of cards from purse to pants pocket for easier reach.

      Walking over wooden bridge across a stream, John came to a more heavily shaded area where there were yet more attractions, and more venders sold replica wares. To one side, visitors watched a staged contest between two costumed swordsmen. The blacksmith was just outside the pegged off area of the match, speaking to those gathered about his blades. "They are replica blades, not souvenirs made to look real," he was saying in German, "all these swords could be used, and are made much as they were over a thousand years ago. They are not sharpened however, but could be sharpened. I do not sharpen the edges of those I bring to the fair, it is just safer for all that way."

      "Could kill even a Vampyre with one of these, better than a gun, eh?" One modern dressed visitor commented to a nearby friend.

      "You could kill anyone with a sword if you know the proper use," said the vender, "But against anyone less than a swordmaster, or very lucky fool, even a fledgeling Vampyre could easily win. It is simple fact. Their speed and perception would enable them to hold or take your blade before you could swing, perhaps even draw."

      "What about the ancient tribes that travelled across Europe, do you know what swords they fought with?" John asked.

      The vender gave a short nod, "Where are you from? Another that has traveled a fair distance to see the fair, we hold it every year."

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