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The Vampyre materialized at his side, military uniform of the Sacred Battalion and apparently not an officer. John studied the face and chocolate brown hair for a name as another figure seemed to materialize and then cried out in distress from the ground. "Sergeant Vampyre Rachael of the Sacred Battalion assigned as your liason, Sir," Rachael introduced herself and without paying a mind to Claudia pushing herself up from the ground.  

      John reached a hand down to his mud splattered wife as he continued to take a measure of Rachael. The hand was left hanging as David, who John had failed to notice appearing, lifted Claudia into his arms and carefully brushed mud and snowflakes from the back of her skirts. "I think I'm starting to get over that invulnerable feeling we spoke about," Claudia said in a sigh.

      John opened his mouth to ask if she was well, meant to suggest then that these practice sessions may not be the best thing for the child inside her, but Rachael spoke before he could. "Your Sascha has intercepted messages that mean death for the Goth if we don't move now."

      "I heard, I'm sorry," John said. He shook his head in effort to bring clarity. Around them the remainders of camp were nearly struck and the vehicles were all nearly loaded. John had hardly known Claudia had gone off with David until they had returned just now, and it had all rather distracted him from duty.

      Rachael's presence and message told John all he needed to know about the meeting Claudia had taken with the American's commander. He called to Justin who stood not three meters away surrounded by his Peacekeeperes as they came and went from assignments. Two Americans were with him also. "General, if any of the vehicles are loaded send them on, there's no reason for all to wait in such a dangerous position."

      Justin called out orders to those around as well as those listening over communicator, instructing all his young Peacekeepers to direct fully loaded vehicles out of the way. Hansel and Rory fell into step either side of John as he walked toward Sascha's RV. "We should get you out of here, Leader," Rory said.

      "Always cautious, Rory, but the tribe here will all feel better if they see me wait until the last are safely underway. Is Alaric packed up?"

      "Yes, Leader, Alaric and all his family, they have offered help should you need it."

      "Find him personally, you Hansel, Rory can guard me if one of you must. Tell Alaric to get his family away."


      "Hansel, if he protests, tell Alaric he is the Leader should I fall. I need him safe right now, he has done enough. Only when that is done, go to Justin and ask he assign you to escort my wife Elonwey. I will take the hovercar when I leave."

      "Alaric will be Leader?" Rory asked as Hansel ran from them.

      John only gave a nod as they approached Sascha's RV. "They are in the other trailer," Adelle said as they entered. John saw she had her child and that Jayne and Erik were with her. "Do you need them here in order to leave?" John asked.

      "Patrick offered to help with some of the loading, we don't know where he is exactly, but we can't leave not being sure he has a ride," Erik explained for Adelle and quickly.

      John nodded again and searched the area. The vehicles were beginning to move. The two other American's were approaching, likely meaning to report to Rachael who still walked several paces behind wherever John moved. Otherwise the camp seemed replaced by the train of large vehicles. Quentin and Patrick were recognizable at a distance and with others were loading the last cargo into the vehicles shared by Karina, Vivianne, Elonwey, Gloria and Jeanette.

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