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It should have been crisp and autumnal, but instead it was bitterly cold. Most tended to blame it on the Vampyres, their calling of storms in battle without regard to the long term effects of their forcing of nature. It was the day of Halloween and every news broadcast and every scrolling marquee told the world of the march of the Darkling Guard or the Vampire City Troops.

      Claudia watched the small monitor in Michael's parlor where she had gathered those in control of Paris. Several mobiles showed the same basic story from others' points-of-view. Over a million it was now estimated, and all able-bodied and strong; the Darkling marched in formation, from a latitude roughly in line with Paris, southward toward the gathered armies of the EL.

      Russians were nowhere to be seen just now, but it was known that this morning they had been engaged by a large force from the Arab League nations. Spain and Gaul with a token number of Swiss artillery were now grouped in similar formations all across France in a line with its border with Switzerland. These were several million strong, including the group of Swiss, all the Spanish military that could be summoned and every able man and woman of Gaul. Now they were choosing their place to make a stand, over the disputed border of Gaul and France, with the DG proceeding toward then and the VC continuing to harry their eastern flank. Now, the daylight before the midnight hours of Halloween, the monitors showed the true number of American forces launching from their submarines off the coast, another Union loyal army with vast naval support wanting payback for all of the Seventh Army decimated in the Battle of Danube Valley.

      "From this footage they are right outside the city," Michael said. He patted his young leader, Martyr, on the shoulder as he also watched.

      "My people are ready to welcome them," Martyr said with perfect solemness. They had sent word to the outer shelters and gathered as many surviving French as they could within Paris.

      Claudia had been outside earlier, with the Goth who were aiding in distribution of food. Without speeches, but by whispered word of mouth they had found their own millions willing to travel back to the ruins of their capital to see the boy leader or to welcome the Darkling Guard who were to bring supplies with them. They had also sent word, not by widely seen newscast but by short messages over the net to operators in all the populated cities of France that they should spread the word in their area that many armies were coming and all that could not travel to Paris and its suburbs should take what shelter they could.

      They were as prepared as they could be with short notice and failing supplies. Nearby, Joyce picked up her communicator and Claudia knew what she would say. She nodded to her Peacekeeper to let her know the message was not needed. Claudia spoke for her, "They're here," she said. Claudia looked to Martyr, nervous but appearing serene as a Buddha in new black suit.

      "I am ready," he said.

      Claudia nodded. She, Michael and Faye would be with him as long as he needed. Captain St.John had sworn his men to Martyr's protection in Aje's absence. Even Faye had not been able to locate Aje, they had expected he would have shown by now. His men had returned to the city without him.

      Claudia readied to go outside. She swung her red cloak over her shoulders. "You look like Angel when you do that," Rachael said. She was standing just inside the parlor doorway and beside David who sat in a chair looking pained. Of course, Angel was widely known as the tall, blonde female Vampyre who often wore red.

      "How is he?" Claudia asked. David had not been himself since the night before.

      "I can't find anything wrong," Rachael confessed, "And I've studied all that the military knows of Vampyres, apart from being one. I can only suggest it is not physical but more supernatural."

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