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The Goth had travelled into the netherlands without incident, meeting the DG border guard and passing through. Several days they had travelled within the Netherlands, with newlywed Leader and Lady riding elegant horses, and a long train of cars, trailers, trucks, vans, campers, wagons and RVs. It was nearly summer, full spring, with cool breezes bringing pollen and flower petals through the air. One of the black mares had birthed a foal, which followed along on its thin long legs. A newer member of the tribe had brought a small flock of black sheep with him, which sometimes rode in wagon, or were tethered to one.

      There were many new members of the tribe, which had become just large enough now that not all knew each other fully. It was clear now who the twelve Elders were, those who the others went to for help. These did not include the Leader and Lady but were Elzbieta, Alaric, Merideth, Robbie, Leonore, Mikolaj, Adelle, Patrick, Marcus, Sascha, Elonwey and Louisa. The final list had been approved by John and Claudia and the inclusion of the two newer tribe members Elonwey and Louisa rather than others such as Karina, Jayne or Helena had been made in order to attempt a sort of diversity and yet balance. There were five Elders who had been Polish but they were from four different cities, as there were five Germans from three different cities. There were only five men to the seven women but inclusion of others would have tipped the scales toward Robot Dan or BCG and Claudia did not want that. With Patrick who though married to Adelle was himself Irish and Elonwey who was from Denmark attempt was made to include Elders from various modern states. With Karina in the office of Secretary of Religion and Arbiter they had formed a simple government.

      Any differences were brought to the attention of one of the Elders, and if their decision was not satisfactory on all sides, they called in all Elders to vote. Still no resolution, and Karina was brought in to make a final judgement. She swiftly, and with some annoyance, set the tribe straight on all internal matters whether religious, moral, social, or personal. When outside parties were involved, and the Elders failed to solve the issue, John and Claudia stepped in, whether it was to bail a tribe member from a local jail, represent them in a court, or make negotiations with citizens for purchase of goods.

      As they had in previous cities, the Goth spread their word and gathered members. They purchased goods they required for travel, whether it be eggs or gasoline. Often they traded crafts or performed temporary jobs. Louisa had contributed right away, a young woman from Bremen who Merideth had recruited, by suggesting they visit employment agencies first thing they came to a city, to ask if they had any jobs their regulars could not fill the next several days. This had worked out enough times that Goth had been hired to do data entry work, install hardware or software, or otherwise fill-in on crews doing construction, cleaning, or repair.

      Louisa had been working in such an employment office herself when she met Merideth and Alaric, and was trusted already to keep track of the skill set of each member and if needed assign duties when there were no volunteers.

      Two fourteen-year-old boys had joined them in Bremen, and though they seemed to understand and take seriously some teachings of the tribe, they caused a lot of trouble. Unlike Mikolaj, who was of the same age but already an Elder, hunter, all around handyman, and requisition agent, Hansel and Rory were often being chased about by Karina with a broom. John had vetoed any attempts to force them to leave. He figured that all nations and societies had a few trouble makers and part of life was continually trying to teach them the error of their ways. Claudia said the problem was they listened to John, and it was only when he wasn't around they acted up.

      It was time they move on, and John was thinking it over, all the recent developments. He, with perhaps half the Elders, was in the trailer where Leonore had set up their listening station. The rest were out, making sure the tribe had everything packed and that everyone had a place to ride. Claudia was at his side, but attending her mobile.

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